Shamanism Trainings and Workshops

The live in-person workshops and intensives that are currently scheduled for 2023 are shown on In-person Workshops and Intensives

Online or home study formats are  available for most of my courses together with my Magick Students online chat group.***

See also my monthly live online workshops (with hot seat coaching) and monthly Question & Answer Calls.

Please visit the above links until further notice.


I run a variety of shamanism trainings and workshops covering many of the healing techniques and rituals from shamanic traditions around the world as well as those which have been given to me personally.

Many of my shamanism trainings run over several months and the modules are sequential with initiations being given with increasing power. This generally means that students need to join the course from the beginning and cannot miss any modules. However, in some cases it may be possible for students to catch up by attending an additional workshop or session or by receiving initiations remotely. Please Contact me if this is the case.

Most of my shamanism trainings, courses and workshops can be attended by anyone regardless of experience. Where I offer an advanced course, the pre-requisites are given in the course description. If you would like more information about a specific course and have any questions about whether it is right for you, please feel free to Contact me.

I run courses in Koh Phangan, Thailand, however I also travel nationally and internationally to give courses and sessions. If you would like to organise a particular course in your area or country, please Contact me.


Please check my Calendar for details of upcoming course and workshops.

If you are unable to attend workshops, you may be interested in my Online Courses and Home Study Courses or in receiving distant Empowerments or Healing.

Shamanism Trainings

Tethatu Shamanic Healing

Moonlit owl and shaman black and white drawing illustrating Peter Aziz's shamanism trainingTethatu is probably the most powerful system of healing in existence. This is a ten weekend shamanism training which will give you confidence as a healer and show you that there is nothing that cannot be healed. This is more than just physical healing. By removing all blocks to money, love, hapiness and anything you want, it makes all things possible… LEARN MORE

Magick – The Faery and Dragon Path

Dragon head made of flamesDesigned as a second year to the Tethatu Shamanic Healing course, this is open to anyone who has experience in Shamanic Journeying and metaphysics or magick. It is an extremely powerful shamanism training, that is not suitable to the absolute beginner. Some experience in Shamanic Journeying and meditation is essential, as we will spend a lot of time journeying into other realms where magick happens….LEARN MORE

Body Electronics

Body electronics or point holding graphic showing purple figure lying down with dots representing energy points

Body Electronics has developed from a study of many modern alternative healing methods, advanced scientific research, and shamanistic and spiritual teachings. It works in harmony with spiritual and natural law, and is based upon the simple concept ‘as man thinketh in his heart, so is he’…. LEARN MORE

Advanced Pointholding

Peter Aziz holding skull used to demonstrate points in Advanced Point Holdng CourseA series of four advanced workshops for those who have completed the 2-week Body Electronics (aka Pointholding) Course: Third Eye, Crown Centre, Manifestation Centre and Higher Psychic Centres.


Sexual Healing Workshop

Sexual Healing WorkshopWe start with a medicine ceremony to remove all negative entities from the base chakra. Much of what sabotages our love lives is entity related. This will clear the unconscious layers of the problem. Then we deal with shame and power loss – identifying and healing many causes of shame. We finish with another medicine ceremony to draw in positive spirits so that our unconscious minds become magnetized to draw positive relationships…. LEARN MORE

Javanese Magick

This will be a series of powerful initiations into Javanese Ilmu and Al Hikmah magick, over a series of weekend seminars. Occult power is increased in stages; each initiation taking you to a higher level… LEARN MORE

Advanced Javanese Magick

Continuing the Javanese Magick initiations to a higher level of power over 5 weekends. We still work with basic powers of invulnerability, power strike, charisma, love etc, but these powers become greater at each level. We also add some other high level spiritual initiations, to take you into oneness with God, and the highest spiritual wisdom… LEARN MORE

Vodou Course

Each participant will be put in touch with their Lwa met tet (ruler of their head), and will learn their offerings, songs and vevers, and will learn to hold possession. We will also cover ancestral service, opening sacred space and some wangas. Very small groups will be taken at my home for close instruction and initiation… LEARN MORE

Dragon Magick

Black and white dragonDragons are powerful keepers of the Earth’s energy. Raising them can purify the land of all negative energies and break patterns of ill health and bad luck. On this course you will be given high level Indonesian magick dragon empowerments, and will learn to work with these energies to destroy evil and corruption and re-establish health and harmony. You will be able to use this knowledge to heal people as well as the Earth. We will be going out to practice these techniques on the land, clearing any dark spots and healing the ley lines….LEARN MORE

Psychic Protection

Psychic protection course - Eye of HorusThe course will include empowerments of tenaga dalam, the gaining of angelic helpers (khodams), and development of the kundalini. Some powerful protective rituals will be taught, which are simple to follow, and exercises for locating and identifying psychic attacks, and reversing them back upon the sender….LEARN MORE

Medicine Trips to Peru and Bolivia

Medicine trips to PeruI will be running retreats in Pisac, Peru in the sacred valley, and in Bolivia, at Lake Titicaca. I will take small groups of about 10 for deep healing. We do ayahuasca every other night, with gentler medicines in between. During the day there will be visits to powerful ancient sites, and Voodoo ceremonies, where you will be able to talk with the Lwa through possession, and receive direct healing and blessings from them….LEARN MORE

Initiation Trip to Egypt

Egypt InitiationsThis is a serious journey to the temples of Egypt, where we will have private time in the temples, free from tourists, and an overnight initiation in the Temple of Isis. This will be full initiation into the ancient Egyptian magic. A 9-week devotional period will need to be completed prior to the trip (see my blog preparing for initiation). There will be a series of meditations and empowerments before the final initiation in which you will be sent into the underworld for the night, and come out with your power fully awakened. Egypt is a vast portal to magical power, and this journey will be life changing….. LEARN MORE