Healing with Orbs

Magickal Orbs

I have created these to replace charms, as it removes the problem of them getting lost or damaged, and having to wait for the post.

These are created as Tulpas, powerful servitors that can reproduce themselves. This means that every time you use an orb, there will always be another one to replace it. It enables you to cast spells in an instant, as many times as you wish, with great power.

It is sent as an attunement, so you just have to set the intention to receive, and sit still for five minutes. It will be bound directly to your spirit, ready to use any time.

All magickal orbs cost £70 each.

These are the orbs available:

Healing Orb

Every time it is activated, it performs an hour of healing, including clearing the meridians and chakras and raising the vital energy of the whole body.

Cost: £70

Young woman is shocked at the size of her partner

Growth Orb

This can be directed to any body part, or hair, or can be used to make plants grow better. You can activate it every day, or put it into a crystal to keep under your pillow, to work on you all night.

Cost: £70

Getting Unstuck Orb

Use this to get things moving if you feel stuck in any way, such as stagnant relationships, career or any time you are in a rut.

Cost: £70

Man in lotus position with expanded crown chakra

Enlightenment Orb

This activates the crown chakra, creating an easy and powerful connection to source and deities, causing rapid spiritual development and easier mastery of magick. It is bound permanently to your crown chakra and needs no maintenance.

Cost: £70

Vampire Repeller Orb

It will repel any draining people who drain or waste your energy.

Cost: £70

Strength Orb

This boosts your inner strength and chi, and will also help physical strength.

Cost: £70

Sexual Magnetism Orb

Permanently bound to your etheric body to increase sexual magnetism. It requires no maintenance.

Cost: £70

virility charmVirility Orb

This is for men. It sends more energy to the base chakra and genitals, increasing virility. You can use it as many times as you need, to give yourself further boosts.

Cost: £70

Women’s Sexuality Orb

Obviously for women. It is made to release shame and make you more comfortable with your sexuality.

Cost: £70

Love charm - lovers kissingLove Spell Orb

Once bound to your aura it will start to attract true love towards you. It can also be used on a specific person, by reciting a simple spell that will be provided, in which you include your names.

Cost: £70