Psychic protection course - Eye of Horus

Magickal Protection

Are you feeling drained of energy or under attack, things going wrong for you? Are you currently in or have had unhealthy relationships – personal or professional? Are you a healer or working magically and feel the need for extra protection? You might be a healer or light worker and find yourself picking up negative energy from your clients. Or perhaps you are defending your rights or the rights of others and are being attacked by those who wish to suppress you. If you sense that any of the above might apply to you, you would benefit from setting up additional magickal protection for yourself.

If you feel yourself under particularly heavy attack and suspect that you might be being targetted, please go here.

I offer a number of methods for protecting yourself or your loved ones – the ones below are a good place to start.

Online Courses


Free Resources

Online Courses

FREE Take Back Your Power Course

Take Back Your Power

This is an essential first step in protecting yourself from being drained or abused by others. The course includes a simple guided meditation which you can use to reclaim your power from each person who has taken it from you.


Psychic Self Defence online course 

Egypt Initiation

This short course is designed to clear away any form of negative energy which can include psychic phenomena such as curses, demons or entities, and hauntings, but also any form of bad luck. It includes banishing rituals, talismans, guided meditations and mantras.


Also available in German.

Psychic Protection Course: Protection at Work and at Home

Psychic protection course - Eye of Horus

Advanced magickal empowerments to deflect hostile energies. The course includes empowerments of tenaga dalam, the gaining of angelic helpers (khodams), and development of the kundalini. Some powerful protective rituals will be taught, and exercises for locating and identifying psychic attacks, and reversing them back upon the sender.




This is a powerful psionics tool and short course enabling you to set up a chart for powerful protection with minimal effort on your part. It includes protective talismans to protect against attacks e.g. curses and mind control and can be used to neutralise negative energies.


The Psionics Course is also available in German.

Once you have the basic course, there are additional packages you can obtain from my Psionics webpage.

Psionic instruments and talismans for protection include:

  • Magickal Defence System
  • Invincible Psychic Clearing and Healing
  • DNA Guard
  • Apep: Neutralising and Voiding
  • Reversal Talisman
  • Enemy Burning Flame
  • 5G Cure
  • Anti-targetting Talisman
  • Intelligent Shield
  • Mental Shield
  • …and more

Egyptian Magick Course

Eye of Horus painting

This is a very powerful crash course in Egyptian healing and magick that I put together after gathering the power of the great pyramid and temples of Egypt. 


Magick: The Faerie and Dragon Magick Path of online courses

Are fairies real

These powerful courses take you on a series of shamanic journeys and initiations into faery and dragon magick. I suggest you start with Dragon Magick. Dragons are our strongest helpers and are the highest level of khodam (guardian angel) protecting us from any form of black magick, demon or psychic attack. Dragon empowerments harness the primeval forces of creation and destruction. 


Advanced Dragon Magick

Advanced Dragon Battle Magick

I have a number of advanced dragon empowerment packages and courses that provide the highest levels of protection.



I offer a variety of distant attunements or spiritual empowerments, several of which give you protection:

Khodam (Guardian Angel) Help and Protection

Gtummo or Candali Healing and Protection (Levels 1-4)

Tenaga Dalam Invulnerability or Magickal Protection

Tiger Magickal Protection: Senggoro Macan

High Level Magickal Protection with Ilmu Hakikat Zat Tubuh

Raja Cala Cakra

Dragon Empowerments including Naga Bajra, Naga Kembar, Naga Digdaya and Drajad Naga

Advanced Protection Package

Spiritual Weapons Package

Contact me to arrange a mutually convenient time for any attunements. Please let me know which empowerment(s) you would like to receive and indicate your general availability – day and time – when you will be able to be in a quiet space to receive the attunement/spiritual empowerment.

Free Resources

Take Back Your Power free online audio course

This is an essential first step in protecting yourself from being drained or abused by others. The course includes a simple guided meditation which you can use to reclaim your power from each person who has taken it from you.


Articles on my Blog

Khodam: The Mysterious Truth Revealed

Javanese Magick: Origin and Specialities Including Magickal Protection

The Science of Safety and Magickal Protection

Vampirism and Protection from Vampires

Protection from 5G and Other Modern Threats to Health

Corona Virus Protection

Solutions for S-Proteins and Removing Nanotechnology

Saving Our Souls from Modern Threats

See other articles in my Magickal Protection category

Public Q&A Call Replays – some with free empowerments

You will need to be enrolled (free) in my Public Questions & Answers with Peter online course to access these.

15 February 2020 Replay – Discreating unwanted patterns + free Virus Inhibitor Field attunement

6 March 2020 Replay – Using Tachyon Energy to reduce side effects of 4G and 5G + free Mother Earth attunement

11 April 2020 Replay – Safeguarding our spirituality + Higher Self Connection Disc attunement

30 May 2020 Replay – Protection against new forms of attack + Pachamama/Higher self/Pranic activation empowerment

30 January 2021 Replay – Protection your loved ones + free vaccine remedy talisman

Freedom from the matrix + radionics to neutralise mind control (free programme)

25 April 2021 – Dragon Magick Replay

Magick Students Q&A Call Replays – some with free empowerments

You will need to be enrolled in my Magick Student Questions & Answers with Peter online course to access these. This is free for students who have purchased a course on my Aziz Shamanism School of Magick online school (enrol via the lesson in the Opening Section of one of your courses).

Letting go of crisis & melodrama + Radionics atttunement (free programme to clear mind control, fear and virus energies)

Using our magick to protect and awaken others

Freedom from a magickal perspective and radionics program for Sovereignty (free programme)

Working with Faeries, Dark Elves and Plant Spirits to Protect Ourselves and Our Families and to Change the World

Magickally Protecting Sovereignty