Media Page and Partnering with Peter

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Who is Peter Aziz?

Partnering with Peter

Suggested Interview Topics

Media Resources


Who is Peter Aziz?

Peter Aziz

Peter Aziz, is a healer, magician, and shaman from the UK now living in Thailand. He has spent his whole life training in shamanism, healing, yoga, magick, and metaphysics, and learning from the faery kingdom. Unusually, he also has a degree in physics and uses his scientific background to further expand his metaphysical teachings.

Peter has dedicated himself to bringing ancient wisdom to the public, to help all spiritual seekers to further themselves, and to healing the impossible. He is trained and initiated in many powerful shamanic healing traditions including Body Electronics, Javanese Magick, Egyptian Magick, Vodou and Aghora Tantra. He has received direct spiritual transmissions which bring even greater power to his shamanic healing work. He is also a homeopath, herbalist, Psionics practitioner, Reiki Grand Master, highest level Vodou priest, and Javanese sorcerer. See also Peter’s Bio

He currently offers online and home-study courses, monthly live online workshops and Question & Answer calls on healing, magick and shamanism, where he initiates students into a variety of powerful traditions.

In Peter’s shamanic healing practice, he combines many techniques, specialising in the most difficult cases that have not been able to find relief anywhere else. He works distantly with a variety of problems: physical illnesses, emotional problems, and metaphysical problems – such as karmic imprints, demon possession, black magic curses, soul loss, and power loss. He also employs magickal tools in this work, such as livewood wands with tree spirits in, mustika pearls that grew within sacred animals, and some objects manifested directly from Other Worlds,

Peter’s Aziz Shamanism School of Magick

Aziz Shamanism School of Magick

Peter’s mission is to make the greatest magickal secrets from all over the World available to all seekers, and to expand the possibilities of what can be healed. The shamanic traditions which he draws from include Kahuna, Pueblo Indian, Vedic, Dragon & Faery Magick, Vodou, Javanese, Atlantean, Egyptian Magick and more.

Peter’s ‘Aziz Shamanism School of Magick’ online school contains an expanding collection of courses on subjects including abundance, relationships, psychic protection, psionics*, dragon and faery magick and his Ultimate Healing Course. Some of these courses are also available in German.

*His psionics instrument and short course harnesses the quantum energy of the universe and the power of sacred sites in both Egypt and Peru which he has been granted special access to. It is extremely powerful with an infinite number of applications and is supplemented by additional psionic tools and talismans.

Students and partners are invited to join Peter’s Aziz Shamanism School of Magick Affiliate Programme to promote a selection of his courses.

In this video Peter discusses his journey as a shaman and his experiences of shamanic healing and natural medicine…

Peter supports those on the shamanic, spiritual, magickal, healing and self-development path whether they are a novice or an adept. He is profoundly aware of the dark and light forces affecting humanity at this time and is on the cutting-edge of developing tools and practices to help students grow from and transcend the current challenges. 

Areas in which Peter gives online training, empowerments, healing and free resources in the form of articles and live Q&A webinars include:

Partnering with Peter

Peter welcomes the opportunity to work with partners to bring his work to a wider audience. Possibilities include:

  • Live or pre-recorded interview hosted on your platform
  • Special offer webinar promoting one of his online courses – including partner commission
  • Inclusion in an online summit
  • Inclusion in a film or documentary*
  • An article in your publication*
  • Workshop at your event

* Peter to have approval right on final material prior to publication.

Credit Requirements:

Peter requires a link to his website and relevant lead magnet offer. 

Feel free to contact Peter if you would like to discuss working with him.

Suggested Interview Topics

Topics in these articles might be of interest to your audience:

Additional suggestions for interview focus:

Peter’s contribution of adding Candali and other empowerments to the Body Electronics technique to create his powerful Ultimate Healing Course – see also webinar.

Psionics – Peter’s use of pyramid energy and other power sources to power his psionic plate and his creation of a multitude of plates and talismans to tackle current global issues

Mind control

Peter’s background as a physicist – how this influences his work as a shaman

Discreation as an important part of creating the reality you want

Psychic and magickal protection

What it is to be a magician

Resonance vs Impact as a guiding principle in life

Co-creating with higher beings – dragons, faeries, dark elves, crystals

Working with djinn

Future causality  

Profound Choice

Tachyon empowerments

Healing our lost drives – Revelation of secrets

Look at themes covered on Peter’s Q&A calls – see ‘Course Curriculum’ on Public  and Private call replays.

Peter may be willing to offer your audience a short guided meditation or empowerment during an interview or presentation.


Media Resources

Selected Articles

Read more articles on Peter’s Blog

Selected Videos

Promotional Webinars

Ultimate Healing 2022 US Promo


Interview with Melly Rose, owner of the HEAL Community in Australia, November 2024

Age of Truth (March 2022)

Reality Check Radio Interview with Peter Aziz

Peter is sharing his wisdom on the Up Your Brave show on Reality Check Radio – New Zealand’s platform for truth and freedom with host Natalie Cutler-Welsh.

In this interview, we cover a range of topics including how you can create your own reality through belief & expectation, the impact of suppressing emotions and how to welcome and release them instead and more.

Listen to the replay here.

Contact Peter to find out how you can work together.