Virus Protection & the Ebola Scare

Health Scares & Misinformation I had just written most of the article below when I became aware of this information posted by a Ghanaian, Nana Kwame. This article says that Ebola is being deliberately spread via vaccination for the purposes of foreign corporate profit and control. Another article attempts to debunk some of this – … Continue reading Virus Protection & the Ebola Scare

Are Faeries Real?

Popular Misconceptions about Faeries Before explaining the place of faeries in the cosmic scheme, I wish to clear up some popular misconceptions, which are largely propagated by fairy tale books. Chauvinism ravages the perception of faerie. Singular authority makes us think we are the ruling authority, so faeries are seen as diminutive people. They are … Continue reading Are Faeries Real?

Take Charge of our Climate

Climate Change Climate change is becoming one of the most urgent phenomena to deal with. It has been found that even a very small rise in temperature can cause sea levels to rise, endangering many islands and coastlines, adversely affect weather conditions, and tend to make hurricanes more powerful, although fewer in number. The main … Continue reading Take Charge of our Climate

Dragons: Our Magickal Allies & Guardians of the Earth

Dragons are basically our greatest allies in making change. Naturally, those who like to keep you powerless make sure that the truth is lost. Dragons get painted as evil, or reduced to story book characters, so nobody remembers what they really are. Recharge your energy with Dragon Power Dragons are representatives of the most primal … Continue reading Dragons: Our Magickal Allies & Guardians of the Earth

Healing the Web

I want to begin with a deeper explanation of the Shree Yantra, and how it symbolizes the very fabric of reality. 19 Dimensional String Theory & the Shree Yantra I started out as a physicist. I was very engrossed in studying 19 dimensional string theory, which I found to be the best scientific explanation of … Continue reading Healing the Web

Dragon and Faery Magick, Ley Lines & Temples of Atlantis in Glastonbury & Dartington

Here is an interview I gave where I talked about my work raising sleeping dragons to help clear the earth energies in Glastonbury and Dartington in Devon. I also talk about the Temples of Atlantis in those areas and of the area around Dartington being a centre for developing psychic and occult powers and for … Continue reading Dragon and Faery Magick, Ley Lines & Temples of Atlantis in Glastonbury & Dartington

Sacred Activism: A Shamanic Perspective

Activism within spirituality is becoming a popular topic – not surprising really when you consider the destruction of human, animal and plant life that abounds; not to mention the ongoing damage to the environment generally and consequent climate change. I recently came across an article Why Activism Needs the Sacred by Carolyn Baker in the … Continue reading Sacred Activism: A Shamanic Perspective

Aghora Tantrik Empowerments

I am often asked what makes certain empowerments so much more powerful than any others. To explain this I need to explain the path of the Aghora. The Path of the Aghora Aghora is a very serious tantrik path, following Shiva or Kali. I follow Kali. It is a path involving tantra and necromancy, often … Continue reading Aghora Tantrik Empowerments

The Silver Shree Yantra – Advanced Tantrik Power

Tantric Powers of the Silver Shree Yantra (aka Sri Yantra) This is a more advanced level of the Shree Yantra, which enhances the basic power through the lunar qualities of silver, but to explain its power fully, I will need to explain clearly what tantra is. Tantra is often associated with sexuality, but there is … Continue reading The Silver Shree Yantra – Advanced Tantrik Power