Vodou (called Voodoo in New Orleans; Vodou is the Haitian spelling) is a very practical and powerful system that brings positive results. Its practice, being very ancient, connects us with our deepest spiritual roots and resonates with what is most natural in us and which is often lost and buried by modern society. I am a fully initiated Asogwe, Bon Houngan Legede Daginen and as such am empowered to perform Vodou initiation rituals.
Vodou Initiation Workshops
During the workshops, each participant will be put in touch with their Lwa met tet (ruler of their head), and will learn their offerings, songs and vevers (Vodou symbols), and will learn to hold possession. We will also cover ancestral service, opening sacred space and some wangas (Vodou spells). Please contact me if you are interested in receiving Vodou initiations and check my Calendar for a scheduled workshop.
As Houngan Asogwe of the Roots Without End Society, I can invite you for Kanzo in Haiti. Kanzo is the vodou initiation, which takes two weeks and confers great power on the participants. Below are some photos of the last group I took for Kanzo.
Read my article “Shedding Light on the Vodou Lwa” which describes the history of Vodou, the tools used and the characteristics and specialities of some Vodou gods (Lwa). My article “Sex and Vodou: Messages from Ghede” gives some of the profound teachings from Ghede (Lwa of sex and death) on sex, love and relationships.
Watch this video series where I describe my own initiation into Vodou and show clips of a ceremony where I was possessed by the Lwa…
Vodou Courses
Vodou Initiation Course
In this course, you will be fully connected to the powerful energies of this tradition and will be put in touch with your personal Lwa. This is the deepest and truest part of your spirit, the personal god. Once this is awakened, you have a clear sense of your life purpose and direction, great confidence in your spirituality and the power to meet any of life’s challenges.
You will then learn some simple wanga (spells) to draw wealth, love, remove obstacles, win over opposition, cleanse and protect yourself and loved ones, and learn how to appeal to the Lwa for any purpose. As part of the Vodou initiation you will learn ancestral offerings, dance, vevers (Vodou symbols), songs, how to open sacred space and will have your personal Lwa invoked into you. There will also be the opportunity to speak with various Lwa through possession of the Houngan – an extremely powerful experience and the chance to receive answers and guidance on your most pressing issues.
Upcoming Courses
5-7 April, 2021
Location: Koh Phangan, Thailand
Venue: See Thailand courses info page
I have extended the Vodou course to allow more understanding of the practicalities of working magick. Includes ancestral service, your personal Lwa, ritual, songs, dances, vevers, offerings, and will then go on to work various kinds of wangas (spells). Includes baths, wanga bottles, gris gris bags, pwen and doll magick.
Cost: £200
Contact me for more information and to book.
Magickal Workings of the Vodou Lwa
Date: tba
Venue: tba
I will be offering a weekend workshop at my home to a limited number of participants, to go further in the magickal workings of Vodou. We will concentrate on one Lwa each day, preparing packets, which greatly increase the presence of the Lwa on your altar, and wanga bottles, which are a traditional and powerful way of working magick with a particular Lwa. This weekend, we will do Ogoun on Saturday, and LaSiren on Sunday. And of course, you will have another opportunity to talk with and receive healing and empowerment from the Lwa through possession.
You will need to bring small bottles to prepare the wangas. All other materials will be provided, including rare herbs, feathers, bones and other magickal items.
Numbers are very limited, so book as early as you can.
Cost: £150
Contact me for more information and to book.
Participant feedback
The two days with the Lwa was fantastic. Incredible to connect with Gods through Peter and receive their healings and blessings. As with all Peters courses this is true shamanism without limitation. Thoroughly educational, insightful and highly recommended. Awesome!!
Steve Rangi.
I recently attended Peter’s two day vodou course and wanted to share my experience with others. It is rare these days to find a shamanic teacher with such vast amount of knowledge and experience, yet so accessible and humble and willing to share these qualities with his students. Vodou can be a serious subject but Peter makes it so much fun and this was reflected by the high energy of the group throughout the weekend. Not only did I gain insight, healing and invaluable guidance on a number of personal issues from different Lwa, but I came away feeling very self-empowered. I now hold weekly ceremonies for my personal Lwa as taught by Peter and am continuing to notice subtle but positive changes in my health, self-empowerment, outlook (self-esteem/body image in particular), relationships and many other things. T.S. Devon, UK
The opportunity to meet the Lwa through Peter is an invaluable experience, each Lwa bringing their own particular expertise. I have found healing and advice from the Lwa to have often instant results. You can ask anything – from how to improve your health, sex life, finances, relationships with family & colleagues, creativity; to asking for protection and an upgrade in your magickal powers. And you also get to learn how to work at home with the Lwa and create a regular practice. S.P.
Photos of the last group I took for Kanzo in Haiti.