Awakening Egyptian Magick

Awakening Egyptian Magick Practices – Sacrifices & Pacts

My Journey into Egyptian Magick

I want to start by writing something about my own journey into Egyptian magick. 

I come from a bloodline of Hungarian witches on my mother’s side, and was told that they descended from the priestesses of Egypt. 

My full initiation into Egyptian magick came when I was 26. At that time, I was working as a healer in Glastonbury and was approached by an archaeologist who needed a psychic to help him find the site of a temple of Ishtar he wanted to excavate in Saudi Arabia. I quickly found it, but we were approached by a group of Bedouin women who worshipped at this site secretly. They didn’t want it excavated, as then it would be a tourist attraction and they could no longer use the site. We agreed not to excavate it, and were given initiation into their ancient mysteries.

They told me a little about their history; how when Egypt was about to be conquered by Romans and Greeks, the priests had visions of this, and were also given visions of an island in the ocean they should go to. One of the tribes remained in Africa and became the Berbers. All the others went across the sea and came to Java, then later moved on to Hawaii, which in their language was pronounced Hava -ee-ee; little Java. This story was confirmed by Max Freedom Long in his accounts of Huna magick, which I discovered when I set out to learn Huna. An interesting point is that although these tribes have different outer languages, their magickal language was the same. . 

It was explained to me that although the tradition was still held secretly in Egypt, most of the lineages of initiation had moved, and it was up to me to go out and find them to bring the magick back together. So a year later I found myself on Maui, where I met John Ray and his Kahuna teacher. This is where the Ultimate Healing course began. I spent the next 16 years developing this healing. I was then initiated into Vodou, up to the highest level, Houngan Asogwe. I also started learning Javanese magick at this time, and have spent 29 years training, again to reach the highest levels of initiation. So this kind of completed my journey, to gather these currents back together. 

Sacrifices and Changing Pacts

My journey with Egyptian Magick certainly stirred up some great power, but it was not easy, nor were the effects always positive. There seemed to be sacrifices taken from me at every major step. For example, I had a dream of being in an Egyptian boat to Amenti, the land of the Gods, but to be allowed in I had to cut off my left foot. The next day I broke my left ankle, clean across both bones. I was in Haiti undergoing Vodou initiations at the time. 14 years later I had a repeat of the dream, and again broke my left ankle in the same place, but this time the swelling was so bad they wanted to amputate the foot to prevent dangerous complications. This was getting too real, as it looks like I would really cut off my left foot. I refused treatment and discharged myself, to go home and do a lot of point holding to heal it. This gave me plenty of time to go deep into the cause.

While being awakened to Sekhmet, I also dreamed of her creation, when Ra tore out his left eye and threw it into the Nun to bring Sekhmet forth for vengeance. Within a few days I went blind in my left eye. The hospital told me it was a rare genetic condition and they couldn’t operate on it.

During my deep healing process, I also had guidance from djinn masters from Java and Arabia. This was old djinn magick still working. The Egyptians did make a lot of sacrifices as part of their magick. What I had to learn was to change the pacts, so I could gain the magick without such drastic measures. This is a subtle and tricky part of magick; learning how a slightly different resonance may shift the balance of energy, and sometimes a very small offering could have the same impact as a huge offering, if the resonance was just right. It’s a bit like homeopathy, where a minute dose can trigger a deep healing process. I found examples of this in vedic ritual, for example, Bilva leaves in offerings to Shiva were more powerful than a 1000 horse sacrifice. The key was to know the right plants and oils to offer to the deities. 

The rest of the pact is really a commitment to follow through with what you are given; continue your path of evolution and be the master of your reality. This requires a mature ego, and owning one’s shadow. When you bring it down to these simple points, all the dangers disappear. The djinn, and the Deities, are now ready to accept these easier pacts. The biggest responsibility is to keep maturing your ego. This is the most neglected area for most magicians, but is absolutely necessary  in order to channel higher power.

Ego, Shadow and True Will

I teach the process of maturing ego and embracing shadow on my Darkness course, which is a prerequisite to higher magick. It’s something I recommend to anyone who wishes to attain great magickal power, and is very relevant for Egyptian magick. 

The other point that really helps further your mastery of magick is to discover your true will. Alistair Crowley touched upon this with his law “Do what they will shall be the whole of the law”, but not much guidance was given for discovering the true will. I teach this through a process of self-reflection on my Dragon magick course. When you really know what motivates you deep down, the magick flows far more powerfully to fulfil your desire. Hesitation, uncertainty and changing one’s mind tend to anger the djinn, which was why pacts were demanded. 

New Advanced Egyptian Magick Initiations

I have now put together a system of Egyptian magick with the safe pacts and am now ready to pass it on, through my new course, Advanced Egyptian Magick Initiations, and a new empowerment: Sekhmet’s White Lion Tenaga Dalam which is very powerful protection magick. And, by the way, I found the secret language shared by all the magickal lineages: it’s the Dragon language. It was never written, but was the secret language more magickal than Kemetic. What I teach on my Dragon Magick course is the true Dragon language. This combination provides the greatest personal empowerment and very advanced magick.

Advanced Egyptian Magick Initiations

Advanced Egyptian Magick Initiations

This contains 20 new empowerments which attune you to various Egyptian power points and their lineages of magickal power, plus kemetic prayers, spells and talismans to take you to a very high level of Egyptian magick. It even includes the Underworld Initiation that fully connects you to your deities.

Prerequisite: Egyptian Healing and Magick.


Sekhmet’s White Lion Tenaga Dalam

Sekhmet's White Lion Tenaga Dalam

This is the first system of tenaga dalam I have brought back to its Egyptian roots, and is extremely powerful. It has six levels, up to Grandmaster, to build power to a very high level. It brings protection, inner strength, authority and charisma.