Is anything really unhealable? There have always been cases of an individual overcoming every possible terminal illness through their own deep journey of transformation. This does not constitute a cure, as it is not repeatable. However I have spent many years studying what makes each miraculous healing work, and more importantly, all that stops it … Continue reading Healing the Unhealable Part 1 – Internal Causes→
In my new video, I explore the sequence of emotional suppression and healing emotional trauma. I start by outlining the mechanism by which emotions and traumas are stored in the body – probably something you will not have heard about before – and what you need to do to fully release them and heal at … Continue reading Exploring the Sequence of Suppression and Healing Emotional Trauma→
I have recently been writing about Ultimate Healing and the benefits of distant healing and home study. Although this is a very important foundation, I now want to go over some added benefits of in-person attendance. Physical Pressure on the Points First of all, the physical pressure on points is another trigger for release of … Continue reading Body Electronics – the value of in-person point holding→
Candali, also known as Gtummo in Tibetan, is generally described as Tibetan Heat Yoga. In Tibet, monks demonstrate their mastery by drying wet clothes on their bodies while sitting in the snow. This is the kind of image the mention of Gtummo conjures up, but there is far more to it. It’s basically a method … Continue reading Candali or Gtummo: Safe Kundalini Awakening for Rapid Empowerment→
In the beginning there was Awareness… The main precept in metaphysics is that we create our own reality. If this is such a fundamental truth, why are so many people having difficulty creating the life they want? To solve this problem, we need to look beyond all the techniques and come down to the fundamentals. … Continue reading Evolution of Metaphysics and Healing→
Body Electronics Intensive – Day 6 Transcription – Raising Kundalini Koh Phangan, Thailand – February, 2017 N.B. You can now participate online as part of my Ultimate Healing Course. Raising Kundalini, The Spine as Amplifier, Self-Pity, Deservability, Responsibility & Realness Candali – Raising the Kundalini All ready? Let’s talk a bit about the Candali, as that … Continue reading Raising Kundalini, The Spine as Amplifier, Self-Pity, Deservability, Responsibility & Realness→
Also known as Wuhan pneumonia, the corona virus is causing much concern as it is already spreading worldwide, and there is no drug that can kill it. It kills about one eighth of those infected. There has been talk about it being a weaponized virus, but it seems far more likely that it has mutated … Continue reading CORONA VIRUS PROTECTION→
Body Electronics Intensive – Day 5 Transcription Koh Phangan, Thailand – February, 2017 Forgiveness, Myths, Aka cords and Self-Pity Forgiveness What I want to talk about today is forgiveness. Forgiveness is a process. It doesn’t all happen in one go. Forgiveness is not absolution. It’s not like you go to the church and confess, pay your … Continue reading Forgiveness, Myths, Aka cords and Self-Pity→
Body Electronics Intensive – Day 4 Transcription Koh Phangan, Thailand – February, 2017 Iridology and Body Electronics Begins with a talk on iridology. There are seven zones of the iris. There is also a frilly band around the pupil about a third of the way out. When you press points you are also releasing genetic memories. … Continue reading Iridology, Ego and Egregores→
Body Electronics Intensive – Day 3 Transcription Koh Phangan, Thailand – February, 2017 Nutrition and Supplements Before we talk about the nutritional stuff, I want to talk a bit about neuropeptides. They are what your brain uses (for neurons to communicate) – proteins break down into peptides and into amino acids. And there are also … Continue reading Anger, Guilt, Rage, Shame, Pain: Moving and growing through the layers→
Shamanic Healing and Magick with Peter Aziz of Devon, UK