As if we didn’t have enough work to do already to heal ourselves, these days there are more and more environmental dangers that complicate the healing process. This has become particularly bad since the release of bio-weapons, strong electromagnetic fields, high tech mind control and gene manipulation. The good news is that once the external … Continue reading Healing the Unhealable Part 2 – External Influences→
Sacred geometry, ancient patterns and Divinity The Source of all creation is pure, undefinable awareness which does not yet have any direction. As it creates limitless possibilities, it first structures the pure energy into patterns. Sacred geometry is a way of connecting to these patterns to connect with the divine powers that are part of … Continue reading Sacred Geometry Talismans in Magickal Practice→
Bifurcation and tethering to our best future As we come towards bifurcation, we see many contrasts in the world: On one hand the threat of war, total loss of freedom, totalitarian organisations and AI, and on the other hand, reformation of the banking systems, erasing of debts, arresting of corrupt leaders of said organisations, and … Continue reading Dealing with chaos, violence and uncertainty→
In my new video, I explore the sequence of emotional suppression and healing emotional trauma. I start by outlining the mechanism by which emotions and traumas are stored in the body – probably something you will not have heard about before – and what you need to do to fully release them and heal at … Continue reading Exploring the Sequence of Suppression and Healing Emotional Trauma→
There is much thought these days about whether we are living in a simulation, so let’s look at how likely this is. Perception and Conditioned Belief The first point to consider is how much our perception is controlled by conditioned belief. There is the famous story of the Magellan ships. The natives on the island … Continue reading The Matrix – Are we living in a Simulation?→
People often think that intuition and logic are somehow opposed, and that being logical blocks intuition, but this is not so. Here I am going to clear up some misconceptions and explain how these different aspects of consciousness work together. Intuition prefixes and suffixes rational thinking. We first get an idea intuitively, then develop upon … Continue reading Intuition and Logic and What Blocks Them→
Shamanic Healing and Magick with Peter Aziz of Devon, UK