Category Archives: Devon – A Magickal Land

Dragon and Faery Magick, Ley Lines & Temples of Atlantis in Glastonbury & Dartington

Here is an interview I gave where I talked about my work raising sleeping dragons to help clear the earth energies in Glastonbury and Dartington in Devon. I also talk about the Temples of Atlantis in those areas and of the area around Dartington being a centre for developing psychic and occult powers and for … Continue reading Dragon and Faery Magick, Ley Lines & Temples of Atlantis in Glastonbury & Dartington

Shamanic Healing in Devon

The wildness of the Devon countryside is perfect for invoking the powers of the Ancient British traditions for shamanic healing. With its old trees, clear rivers, rocky Tors, wild herbs, Dragons and portals to other realms, it is the perfect place to gather power and learn about shamanic healing and magick. The British tradition of … Continue reading Shamanic Healing in Devon