Category Archives: Initiations & Empowerments

The Solar Eclipse: Preparing for Great Change

As I am sure you are all aware of the impending Solar Eclipse on 8 April, 2024 and have heard much about its potential for change and awakening, what I want to cover is how to be prepared for change.  Preparing for change – stepping into the unknown and vulnerability First of all, any new … Continue reading The Solar Eclipse: Preparing for Great Change

The Power of Myth

Levels of Mind – The Mythical Mind To understand the vast potential power within myths, we start by looking at the levels of mind. Below our conscious, rational mind, lies the subconscious, which tends to be emotional, and in which beliefs are stored. These beliefs and emotions greatly impact our behaviour, our reactions, and the … Continue reading The Power of Myth

Candali or Gtummo: Safe Kundalini Awakening for Rapid Empowerment

Candali, also known as Gtummo in Tibetan, is generally described as Tibetan Heat Yoga. In Tibet, monks demonstrate their mastery by drying wet clothes on their bodies while sitting in the snow. This is the kind of image the mention of Gtummo conjures up, but there is far more to it.  It’s basically a method … Continue reading Candali or Gtummo: Safe Kundalini Awakening for Rapid Empowerment

Evolution of Metaphysics and Healing

In the beginning there was Awareness… The main precept in metaphysics is that we create our own reality. If this is such a fundamental truth, why are so many people having difficulty creating the life they want? To solve this problem, we need to look beyond all the techniques and come down to the fundamentals. … Continue reading Evolution of Metaphysics and Healing

Bifurcation – what is it? and why it’s so Important to Raise Your Vibration NOW

Bifurcation and Evolution You may have heard this word a lot recently, as an event we are fast approaching. To understand this word, we need to start by looking at theories of evolution. Darwin’s theory was completely disproven. Most modern theories of evolution are based on Prigogine’s work with open systems. Living organisms were shown … Continue reading Bifurcation – what is it? and why it’s so Important to Raise Your Vibration NOW


Also known as Wuhan pneumonia, the corona virus is causing much concern as it is already spreading worldwide, and there is no drug that can kill it. It kills about one eighth of those infected. There has been talk about it being a weaponized virus, but it seems far more likely that it has mutated … Continue reading CORONA VIRUS PROTECTION

Tulpas and Orbs of Life

What they are A Tulpa is a Tibetan concept but is much like the western idea of egregores, artificial elementals and servitors. It is basically an artificially created but intelligent being, that is given power to perform a particular task. Whenever a lot of energy is focused into one desire, it will begin to develop … Continue reading Tulpas and Orbs of Life

Vampirism and Protection from Vampires

Vampirism is becoming a huge problem these days, as more and more people are not only finding their energy drained, but hard-earned spiritual gifts and talents are being stolen. I want to explain the mechanisms of vampirism and look at protection from vampires. The Needy Vampire There are two kinds of vampire. The first is … Continue reading Vampirism and Protection from Vampires