Category Archives: Tree & Plant Spirits

Cutting Livewood Wands

Tree spirits are very important allies in the British Shamanic traditions. They are the guardians of the threshold, and greatly aid our mastery of the astral plane and its forces. Before talking about how we actually cut these livewood wands, I want to explain a few things about the nature of tree spirits. The Nature … Continue reading Cutting Livewood Wands

Shamanic Healing in Devon

The wildness of the Devon countryside is perfect for invoking the powers of the Ancient British traditions for shamanic healing. With its old trees, clear rivers, rocky Tors, wild herbs, Dragons and portals to other realms, it is the perfect place to gather power and learn about shamanic healing and magick. The British tradition of … Continue reading Shamanic Healing in Devon

Tree Spirits, Herb & Flower Spirits and Dragons: The Shamanic Tradition of Tethatu

The Shamanic Tradition of Tethatu Tethatu is the name of the highest initiation one can reach in the healing traditions practiced by the Magyar people, and roughly translates as ‘one who talks with the dragons’. Dragons are our strongest helpers, and the last ones we meet on this spiritual path, after tree spirits and herb … Continue reading Tree Spirits, Herb & Flower Spirits and Dragons: The Shamanic Tradition of Tethatu