In 2025, Peter will be visiting The Netherlands in May to give his ‘Ultimate Healing Part 2 In-person Body Electronics Intensive‘ and individual healing sessions followed by an Advanced Dragon Magick Course in June. The Intensive will be at a venue approximately 10 minutes drive from Assen, in the Northeast of The Netherlands. The teachings are given in English, however, occasional Dutch translation will be available if needed.
May, 2025
Ultimate Healing Part 2 – In-person Body Electronics Intensive
Ultimate Healing Part 1 Online is a prerequisite for everyone.
The video below is an introduction to the Ultimate Healing Intensive with Gerry Ubels (who is hosting the Intensive in The Netherlands) and Peter Aziz.
Body Electronics Intensive
You can book for just the first week, weeks 1&2 or the full 3 weeks Intensive. Spine and Cranial points can only be done in-person.
- Glands: 12-17 May, 2025
- Spine: 19-24 May, 2025 (Glands is a prerequisite)
- Cranial: 26-31 May, 2025 (Glands & Spine are prerequisites)
Cost: € 840 per week including raw lunch and drinks, excluding accommodation, breakfast and dinner.
There are a maximum of 15 places available for each week so please contact Gerry as soon as possible to register your interest.
Ultimate Healing with Upgraded Body Electronics (also called Point Holding) is an extremely powerful healing system. It releases blocked emotions and trauma allowing the body to heal — the kundalini rises, the body regenerates, bone structures change, calcifications break down to restore nerve supplies and weakened organs regenerate.
This approach is also very helpful to those who don’t have physical health problems but who are stuck in their lives — including emotionally, in their relating or financially. When we understand the cause and remove the emotional blocks, people’s lives change — their relationships go deeper, they make more money and they are able to get on with what they are here to do — create their dream.
Prerequisite: Ultimate Healing Part 1 Online
Part 1 Online contains core teachings and exercises which will also be revisited briefly in Part 2. We do everything except the point holding. You will learn to heal yourself very deeply, remove all kinds of emotional blocks, manifest your desires, dis-create situations you don’t want, and generally master your life. This is essential ground work before attending the in-person point holding courses.
Attunements are included which give protection against negative energies and disease and which also speed up the release of blocked emotions. Part 1 can be taken as a standalone course.
Ultimate Healing Part 2 – Point Holding Intensive
In Part 2 of the course, you will join us in-person for the powerful method of sustained point holding that is used to access memories stored in the body at the genetic level, and by releasing emotion and stored trauma, leads to the healing and regeneration of the body as well as inner transformation. You will also receive a number of magickal attunements to amplify your power to heal, transmute and transform.
The Body Electronics (point holding) method is easily learned, so by the end of the course you will be confident in healing all kinds of problems, and will have addressed and healed major issues and problems in your life. During the Intensive, you will be working on each other every day, receiving the empowerments, and observing incredible changes. You will heal and release physical and emotional problems, mental blocks, limiting beliefs, and become empowered to attract abundance, love and manifest your desires.
Body Electronics is the primary technique which is taught and practised daily by participants in small groups or pairs.
In Week 1 of the Intensive, we focus on releasing the emotional blockages held in the glandular system and healing the physical body. I will give each participant an eye-reading (an integral part of Body Electronics) to ascertain the primary organs and issues needing healing and will put people together in groups for the bodywork sessions. The sessions involve holding specific points on the body (through clothes) to generate a powerful flow of healing kundalini (often experienced as a burning sensation in the fingertips of the giver) together with visualisation techniques and sometimes mantras. We will progressively work through the glandular system, clearing blocks and bringing healing to the organs and their associated emotions and issues.
Function is restored to organs, cysts and growths dissolve, and nerve pathways are restored to paralysed areas of the body. Furthermore, the inner transformation occurs at a very deep level, producing miraculous changes in the lives of participants.
In Week 2 we work along the spine. We decalcify any enlarged or fused vertebrae, opening up nerve supply to the organs.
In Week 3 we work with the cranial bones. We take 6 days to fully clear the cranium, re-aligning all the bones, so the cranium becomes a powerful amplifier of thought power. This gets to the deepest layers of consciousness, and heals the deepest and most hidden traumas.
Peter talks about the point holding during an intensive in Germany
This work is now more powerful than ever due to magickal healing transmissions given throughout the course which allow participants to channel spiritual energies that greatly speed up and ease the release of conditioning from all levels of their being.
Included Attunements and Empowerments
The In-Person Body Electronics Intensive is a synergy of Body Electronics, continually updated with the most powerful spiritual and magickal empowerments found all over the world. It becomes more powerful each time I run it.
During the Intensive, I will give 7 higher, secret levels of Candali — a Tibetan system of raising Kundalini in safe stages. Each day in this course, you’re getting new transmissions to raise the Kundalini higher. So, the work gets easier – as consciousness rises, you’re more able to be Creator, see your problems, welcome your emotions and just discreate them all. Transformation becomes very rapid and powerful.
I also work with Astras (legendary magick missiles) during the sessions to make the healing even more powerful; as well as Dragon energy specifically to help break down the oppressive Christian egregore (collective group consciousness) and general restriction of freedom so prevalent in our culture.
Full list of Attunements:
In addition to the above, you will receive 17 magickal attunements:
- Virus Inhibitor Field – upgrades your immune system
- 8 levels of Tachyon – so you can tachyonize large geographical areas & counteract 5G
- Universal Sovereignty – facilitates casting off manipulation and mind control
- Magickal Transmutation Crystal Orb – ability to create etheric crystals to transmute all negative energy
- Titanium Flame – to burn through titanium implants
- Etheric Crystal Creation – creates crystal in etheric plane for use in physical healing
- Antadana Astra – quickens and eases the process of dis-creation
- Divine Blueprint – to help your health return to its blueprint
- Silver Shree Yantra – helps restructure the body by shifting awareness beyond the physical illusion
- Clearing the 7 Veils – clears the 7 veils to perception
- 13 Crystal Skulls – helps amplify your wishes and bring in spiritual powers
- Higher Self Connection Disc – to strengthen your connection
- Chintamani – the Wish-fulfilling Gem – helps you create your desires as co-creator with the Divine
- Crystal Palace of Love – surrounds your aura & keeps you growing on the path of love
- Enemy Burning Fire – to keep them at bay
- Kahuna Empowerment – builds your energy body into that of an initiated Kahuna
- Fey Kepap – gives positive belief in oneself and one’s abilities
To learn more about how Body Electronics works, watch additional videos, read testimonials and learn about the suggested nutritional preparation, see here.
Healings in person with Peter
2-4 June, 2025
Cost € 130 for 1 hour
Booking, Payment and Queries
Please contact Gerry Ubels at or call her on +31 6 25023082 with any queries and to make your booking and payment.
For the Ultimate Healing Intensive, a maximum of 15 places are available for each week so please contact Gerry as soon as possible to register your interest. Your registration will be confirmed only once a deposit of €300,00 for each week booked is received. The remaining balance is due by 31 March, 2025.
Deposits are 50% refundable before 31 March.
Any payments made are non-refundable after 31 March so you are strongly advised to take out insurance if for any reason you need to cancel your participation.
A payment plan is available if needed.
If you bring a friend with you (who has not worked with me before) you can get a single discount of 10%, which will be refunded to you at the start of the course.
Advanced Dragon Magick Course
7-8 June, 2025
Assen, The Netherlands
For those who have completed the Dragon Magick course and want more. This course is a series of higher initiations to increase your Dragon power 1000-fold. Practically, this means stronger protection and therefore feeling of safety, increased confidence, and faster manifestation of your desires. The spells that are included deal with the darker side of Dragon Magick i.e. destruction and taking your enemy’s power. Destruction spells are designed to be used on egregores and the causative forces of suffering, rather than on people.
Some of the attunements included:
- Dragon’s Eye Attunement – gives power of the Dragon realm
- Dragon Lineage Attunement – increases your power 1000-fold by initiating you to my family Dragon lineage
- 3 levels of Tenaga Dalam Chakra Naga – Tenaga Dalam is an Indonesian art of building inner power. This is the Dragon version which is the most powerful.
- The Destroyer Dragon – the dragon form of Kali
- Earth and ley line healing with Dragon Magick
Having completed this advanced course, you will find all the spells in Dragon Magick Part 1 course are now much more powerful.
Requires prior completion of the Dragon Magick course which is available as an online course and as a live in-person workshop.
Please contact Gerry Ubels at or call her on +31 6 25023082 with any queries and to make your session booking and payment.
Accommodation Options
You are advised to make your reservations early.
There are a number of options available close to the venue to suit all budgets. The following are some examples, rather than personal recommendations:
Ommekeer Campsite and BnB
0031-(0)592-350887 Witterzomer 12 9405 VG Assen
Air BnB
Please see options here.
See Trivago hotel bookings here
Close to Venue
De Berenkuil – Grolloo – campsite and cabins
Groups staying in a holiday home – see here
Travel Information
Gerry will send you workshop and session venue addresses on booking.
For courses and workshops:
Schiphol airport Amsterdam from there by train to Assen (2 hours). From Assen station to Marwijksoord bus number 21.
Healing session are in Zuidlaren, 15km north of Marwijksoord. From Assen train station walk 2 minutes to Assen Bus Station: departure Perron E Qbuzz Qliner 210 to Gieten (18 minutes) From Gieten bus station: departure Perron A Qbuzz Qliner 300 (8 minutes,) bus stop is “De Hilde” Zuidlaren. From bus stop “De Hilde” 2 minutes walk to venue.