Dragon Magick

Dragon Magick

Quick links

Magick: The Faerie and Dragon Path

Dragon Magick Course

Advanced Dragon Magick Course

Advanced Dragon Battle Magick Course

13-Initiation Advanced Dragon Magick Package

Dragon Pamungkas Level

The Dragon Healing and Ascension System

Lilith Initiations

Dragon Empowerments

Other Dragon Resources – Videos and Articles

Student Testimonials for Dragon Magick

The Power of Dragons

Dragons are the oldest and most primordial form of the Gods, and have a power that is free from the limitations of the lower worlds. By learning their language, runes and spells, their power can be accessed safely and harnessed to change your reality.

Dragons are our strongest helpers and are the highest level of khodam (guardian angel) protecting us from any form of black magick, demon or psychic attack. They provide unmatched protection and can overcome all obstacles. 

Dragons are basically our greatest allies in stepping into our power and making change. Naturally, those who like to keep you powerless make sure that the truth is lost. Dragons get painted as evil, or reduced to story book characters, so nobody remembers what they really are. Dragons represent the most primal life force which has the ability to heal itself, fight off infections, grow and seek fulfilment. 

Dragons represent the fully risen kundalini; the source of all spiritual attainment. Dragons are powerful keepers of the Earth’s energy. Raising them can purify the land of all negative energies and break patterns of ill health and bad luck. Dragon Magick includes many spells and runes which can be employed for many practical purposes.

Dragon empowerments harness the primaeval forces of creation and destruction. I offer high level Indonesian magick dragon empowerments within my courses and also as individual empowerments. These energies can be used to destroy evil and corruption and re-establish health and harmony. They will give you a high level of invulnerability against black magick and negative entities, and a great increase in spiritual power.

Starting with Dragon Magick

Magick: The Faery and Dragon Path

Dragon Magick is the first course in my Magick: The Faery and Dragon Path Series. This series of workshops includes Dragon Magick, Faery Magick, Crystal Magick, Darkness (Dark Elves Magick) and High Magick. It is a sequence of magickal initiations and a progressive training in a deep and powerful tradition of magick enabling you to access your full divine power.

These initiations begin with Dragon Magick as these are the easiest lessons to understand, as we start to deal with power, and begin to understand our co-creators. Dragons live in the liminal, and have great power. You will deal with all your power loss here, and gain confidence in your ability to overcome all obstacles. You will also learn a self-reflection process to find your true will, and start to embrace future causality. You also access beauty as a source of power.

Dragon Magick Course Overview

This course creates a strong bond of co-creation with incredibly magickal and powerful beings. Dragons represent the fully risen kundalini; the source of all spiritual attainment. You will meet your personal dragons, as well as be attuned to some Universal Dragon spirits.

There will be initiations and attunements to open you to dragon power, dragon runes and spells, and guided journeys, including a journey to the beauty that sources all creation. This will open you to a magick that can work every time. Dragons provide unmatched protection and can overcome all obstacles. You will be given spells for manifestation, de-manifesting unwanted realities, protection, healing, enlightenment, abundance and ecstasy. You will also gain deep understanding of how we create and dis-create.

On this course you will be given high level Indonesian magick dragon empowerments, and will learn to work with these energies to destroy evil and corruption and re-establish health and harmony.

The empowerments will give you a high level of invulnerability against black magick and negative entities, and a great increase in spiritual power.

Who is this course for?

  • Anyone who is feeling powerless or stuck
  • Anyone feeling lost and directionless
  • Those who have become disconnected from their dreams
  • Those who are afraid of their shadow side
  • Anyone feeling the need for strong protection
  • Those needing help in manifesting
  • Anyone wanting to fight corruption
  • Healers looking for spells to assist their healing work
  • Anyone fascinated by dragons and wanting to work with their magick
  • Those new to shamanism and those with experience

N.B. If you do not have previous experience with shamanic journeying, I highly recommend you first complete my short Underworld Journeying course (also available in German) in order to receive the most benefit from this Dragon Magick course.

Benefits of following this course

  • Learn the dynamics of successful manifestation
  • Learn the art of self-reflection to identify your deepest desires
  • Eliminate negative future possibilities and energise positive futures
  • Meet and create a co-creator relationship with your personal dragons so you can call on their assistance
  • Receive attunements to powerful universal dragon spirits to protect you and enhance your spiritual development
  • Learn spells for various purposes such as cleansing, protection, healing, enlightenment, wealth and destruction
  • Learn exorcism spells to clear entities
  • Greatly enhance your success using magick by learning how to access and work from a space of pure beauty
  • Learn the 3 dimensions of choice and how to work with Higher Magick
  • Receive the highest level of protection

Video interview with Peter talking about his Dragon Magick and Advanced Dragon Magick courses:

Watch the replay of my Q&A Call when I first launched the online version of my Dragon Magick course and answered attendees questions on all things dragon-related. Note: You may need to enroll free in the Replays course to get access.

Course Availability:

Online Course – always available


My Dragon Magick course has just been translated into German.

In-person workshop – Thailand, Netherlands, Germany – occasionally offered – keep an eye on my Calendar.

Not currently scheduled.

Dragon course introduction translated into German:

Advanced Dragon Magick Course

Advanced Dragon Magick

For those who have completed the Dragon Magick course and want more. This course is a series of higher initiations to increase your Dragon power 1000-fold. Practically, this means stronger protection and therefore feeling of safety, increased confidence, and faster manifestation of your desires. The spells that are included deal with the darker side of Dragon Magick i.e. destruction and taking your enemy’s power.  Destruction spells are designed to be used on egregores and the causative forces of suffering, rather than on people.

Some of the attunements included:

  • Dragon’s Eye Attunement – gives power of the Dragon realm
  • Dragon Lineage Attunement – increases your power 1000-fold by initiating you to my family Dragon lineage
  • 3 levels of Tenaga Dalam Chakra Naga – Tenaga Dalam is an Indonesian art of building inner power. This is the Dragon version which is the most powerful.
  • The Destroyer Dragon – the dragon form of Kali
  • Earth and ley line healing with Dragon Magick

Having completed this advanced course, you will find all the spells in Dragon Magick Part 1 course are now much more powerful.

Requires prior completion of the Dragon Magick course which is available as an online course and as a live in-person workshop.

Home-study Course

Cost: £150

In-person Live Workshop

In-person workshop in The Netherlands, 7-8 June, 2025

See here for my information.

Advanced Dragon Battle Magick Course

Advanced Dragon Battle Magick

This course covers the more aggressive Dragons and their magick. It’s for all those who deal with constant psychic attacks or have to deal with large black magick organisations. It will not only protect you, but can annihilate whole groups of enemies.

Pre-requisite: Advanced Dragon Magick

Cost: £250

13-Initiation Advanced Dragon Magick Package

13 Initiation Advanced Dragon Magick

There are 13 further Dragon initiations that would complete your Dragon power, apart from the extra Dragons advertised on my website. I have put these together into a package, at a very special price.


  • Daya Naga Pamungkas (Ultimate Power of Dragon), which increases power to the maximum.
  • Daya Naga Pandito, which increases protection and charisma.
  • Dragon heart Flame. Upgrades the heart chakra  for more power and life force.
  • Mahkota Cakra Naga, increases intuition and psychic abilities.
  • Mustika Mata Naga, further increases psychic ability and connection to Higher Self.
  • Pusaka Naga Bumi, Earth Dragon, for protection and Wealth.
  • Pusaka Naga Geni, Fire Dragon, for purification and destroying black magick.
  • Raga Naga (body of Dragon) for protection and invulnerability.
  • Tenaga Dalam Naga Langit, for increased inner power, the power punch and power shout, that can disarm enemies from a distance.
  • Tenaga Dalam Segara Naga, further increases inner power, plus gives a Dragon king, with thousands of dragons, as your guardian.
  • Tenaga Dalam Upas Naga Geni (poison fire dragon) for protection and deadly attacks.
  • Trishula Naga (Dragon trident) a powerful etheric weapon.
  • Master and grandmaster levels of Tenaga Dalam Cakra Naga.

Requires prior completion of the Dragon Magick and Advanced Dragon Magick courses.

Cost: £350

Dragon Pamungkas Level

Dragon Pamungkas Level

Pamungkas means Ultimate. These are the highest  dragon initiations, released for the first time. This level includes 8 high level Dragon initiations which will increase your power and protection to new heights.

Prerequisites: Dragon Magick and Advanced Dragon Magick courses and 13-Initiation Advanced Dragon Magick Package.

Cost: £400

The Dragon Healing and Ascension System

Dragon Healing and Ascension System

This is a complete programme, designed to be taken over several months, that will work through all 12 chakras, the shushumni channel and the manifestation centre, clearing all blocks and developing them fully, opening to and activating great spiritual and magickal power. It heals yourself and family relationships. It has 49 high level empowerments, way beyond anything offered before. When completed, you can then use these empowerments for others, and can continue to use it throughout your life, to take you to enlightenment and complete mastery.

Prerequisites: The Free “Take Back Your Power” course and Dragon Magick course.

It is also recommended to take the Darkness Course to understand shadow work.

Cost: £500

Lilith Initiations

Lilith Initiations

This is a complete course containing 5 initiations. It is added here as it is Lilith that brings us back to Tiamat, the first Mother of all Dragons. It takes you deeper into your shadow, releasing illusions and blocks to magick, finally awakening fully your magickal potential. It also gives mastery over demons.

Prerequisites: Dragon Magick
Darkness Course
Candali at least to level 2
It is also recommended to take the Sexual Healing/Relationship & Love Magick course, in order to understand the interplay of masculine and feminine power.

Cost: £400

You might also be interested in my Advanced Djinn Magick course. This has many initiations that will take you  to the highest level. Gaining these initiations has taken me a lifetime and cost me many thousands of pounds. It will build your power step by step, as you master djinn, demons, devils and dragons, and become like a god. You will be able to invoke spirits quickly without complex rituals.

Dragon Empowerments

Dragon Reiki Package

Dragon reiki - Aziz Shamanism

This is a good introduction for beginners to dragon powers. You will get Dragon Reiki levels 1 and 2, Dragon Ki Reiki, Dragon Empowerment, and Power of Dragon empowerment.

Cost: all for £40

The following empowerments are all high level initiations of Javanese magick and are available for purchase on my Dragon Empowerments page.

Visit the Dragon Empowerments page for the Chinese New Year Discounts.

*Makuto Nogososro (Crown of the Dragon)

Lintang Naga (Star Dragon)

*Naga Bajra (Thunder Dragon)

Naga Kembar (Twin Dragons)

*Naga Digdaya (Powerful Dragon)

Drajad Naga (Dignity Dragon)

*Included in my Dragon Magick course.

Other Dragon Magick Resources


See summarised transcription.


Dragons: Our Magickal Allies and Guardians of the Earth

Magick the Faerie and Dragon Path’.

The Role of Magick, Faeries & Dragons

Tree Spirits, Herb & Flower Spirits and Dragons: The Shamanic Tradition of Tethatu

Dragon and Faery Magick, Ley Lines and Temples of Atlantis in Glastonbury & Dartington

Hierarchy of Magickal Helpers 

Testimonials from Dragon Magick Students

Course Reviews

“I thoroughly recommend Peter’s Dragon Magick course. I’ve completed the full Dragon and Faery Magick series and this is my favourite and what I play with the most. My relationship with and connection to the Dragons has deepened immensely and I am very grateful for these beautiful and powerful allies. I use the visualisations and spells for my own personal growth as well as integrating much of what I’ve learnt in my own therapies practice. I like that I can silently repeat the dragon spells to immediately clear my energy or the energy of a place, to help dis-create unhelpful thoughts and emotions on the spot and to attract Abundance. Membership to Peter’s Magickal Students MeWe group comes with this course, so there is always a platform to ask for help beyond completion of this course, which is a great bonus. If you love Dragons, you will love this course.” Raye White

“Do not underestimate the power of the dragons. This is a great course, once you feel connected with the dragons you can feel how powerful they are. This course includes many initiations, visualisations and empowerments which all have a great effect. I have done the mantras and the spells for around a week now and I am really noticing a difference. “What I find with dragons is that they give you the strength to make things happen. I am a very visual and creative person but sometimes I struggle with taking action and getting things done, so this is perfect for me. If someone tries to manifest things purely with force, they will inevitably run into blocks along the way or their health will suffer. It is completely different when you have a strong energy behind you as you are kind of pulled towards the things you want, this is strong magick. Highly recommend.” Joe Brooke

“I have always found dragons fascinating so I was curious how this course might unveil why I resonated with them so much. As the course described what beings Dragons are, the magick they hold and how they could impact my life, it was like everything made sense. The words were very powerful for me and the potential endless. Meeting my Dragons was like I was re-connecting my family that I would forever have contact with moving forward. Reciting the Dragon Sutra gave me such a sense of power.

“Unless things are in your awareness, you are powerless to change them. Since having completed the course my life has been shaken, with all those things that aren’t serving me being brought to the surface, giving me the opportunity to remove them. Had this not happened then they would have continued to silently dictate my life, I would have been powerless to make such big changes.

“I co-create with my Dragons every single day, working to create the life that I want. This is a potent and powerful level of magick that has been mystical and dramatic. This course was my first introduction to the power of magick and to the abilities that I have with magick. I would recommend this course to anyone who is curious, who wants a big change in their lives and is not for the faint-hearted, because the Dragons will show you what’s not working for you, whether you want to see it or not. But like I said, after awareness comes choice and you can choose what action you wish to take.” Carrie, 40, Wellbeing Coach, UK

“I first met Peter 20 years ago when I went for a healing. This healing was incredible – lifting a problem that I had accepted in a past life to restrict my power. I have a powerful collection of crystals and thought I understood magic. However doing this course has not only increased my power and understanding it has made magic so much more real for me. I really feel the dragons and for the first time in my life feel confident in my ability to work real magic. The course itself was simple but the power I know I can gain from doing it is infinite. I highly recommend anyone thinking of doing it overcomes their resistance and doesn’t wait 20 years like I did. Fantastic experience. Thank you Peter!” Trevor Warren, 53, Carpenter, UK

“I loved the Dragon Magick course with Peter. Dragons have always been magickal mystical creatures for me, but to actually meet my personal dragons in meditation and ride on their back took things to a new dimension. One of the most powerful times, I called upon my dragon was for protection when I inadvertently found myself as a tourist amongst some very dark energy and became quite scared. I called upon my dragon and was relieved and thrilled to find his power surging through me, my body seeming to grow in size as he breathed his fire to clear out the negativity around me.

“I especially appreciate the guided meditations on this course which are profound and enabled me to get more clarity on my purpose and values and learning to work with future causality – quite an eye-opener. There are also numerous dragon magick spells which have extremely practical uses: from speeding up time to protection. Highly recommended.” SP, Marketing Consultant/Healer, UK

“I have learned a lot from the Dragon Magick course. I use the spells every day in healing for individuals or for myself. There are spells for: cleansing a house, for tie cutting, for healing, for manifestation, protection, demanifestating unwanted things, protection, exorcism and many more other spells. During the course you learn how to work with the spells, which is very easy. And what is very special: you will meet your personal dragons so that you can work with them! This course will change your life in a positive way. You will grow a lot in your personal power!! Because of that you can use it in healing! And you will see that the results are amazing.” Gerry Ubels, Shaman, healer, trainer, coach, The Netherlands

” I did the dragon weekend in 2001. I had done the shamanic course the year before and wanted to continue working with Peter, who had given me two major healings before I began working with him. I was lacking in confidence, had low self esteem and was disempowered. I had a victim/martyr approach to life and an aloof control drama to work on. As I progressed my husband said I had changed considerably and I felt much better. I observed other people who were depressed, even suicidal, being healed and start to turn their lives around. Quite apart from the healing value of the course it was also the greatest fun ! I can’t wait to meet my dragons again and enjoy another superb online course. Everything is there to refer back to for ever. If you are interested in empowerment and transformation, join this course. Immense gratitude to Peter.” Barbara, 60, Retired Teacher, UK

“I have worked with Peter through much of his work over the past 5 years, Dragon Magick was an early part of this, I found the Dragon Magick course to be very empowering, The crown dragon is great for clearing my energy and balancing me, reciting all the mantras will clear me and leave me aligned, I also find the spells are great for clearing myself, a space, and also I use many of them in my healing work with others.
This course is a great investment in yourself, which surely will return the investment manifold in your life.” Will, Healer/Teacher, UK

“What I found most fascinating about working with Dragons on Peter’s course is that they are offering a magickal and miraculous way of addressing and overcoming “insurmountable” seemingly devastating world events. In my experience, it has been very difficult to deal with this level of corruption and threats to our health and freedom, without magick. I had been struggling a lot with feeling weak and afraid of this attack on humanity.

“When I went to feed and wake up the dragons through meditating and breathing in the Dragon Sutra, they lifted me up out of feeling drained and disempowered, they took me to a place of exhilaration of beauty, they are the power that moved me forward, they carried me into the resonance of the power of creation, changing the neurochemistry of my brain and infusing a new pattern of love, power and ecstasy into my body-mind. As very subtle, beautiful, generous beings of love, they are like primeval forms of God made tangible and accessible to all who seek with a pure heart.

“When I was getting sick from EMF and Smart Technology, I called them in and they taught me how to rebuild my aura, they are now bringing a high level of protection from harm, immunity to disease, and showing me how to feel safe in a dangerous world… a far greater protection than anything I have found in this world.

“When I have felt vulnerable and under threat of destruction both personally and collectively, the strongest thing I’ve done is follow the Dragon’s call to co-creative participation in our evolution out of struggle and hardship; it has brought me an extraordinary power to discreate all the shit and bring accelerated manifestation as a natural, easy process, bringing inner purification of the evil on the earth, fierce knowing of why we are here, and that in this sacred alliance we cannot fail to win the fight.” Miriam, 47, Healer, UK

“I did the dragon course a while ago and would love to do this one again. It’s great and I use the dragon magic almost everyday. It helps me to do things that makes my life a lot easier.” Joyce Sijbring, 39, Trainer & Developer, The Netherlands