healing narcissism and narcissistic abuse

Healing Narcissism and Narcissistic Abuse: A Shamanic Approach

Most psychiatrists have come to the conclusion that narcissists never get better, as they are incapable of considering others’ needs. But is there a possible cure outside psychology? Before exploring healing narcissism, let’s start by looking at how narcissism is caused.

What causes narcissistic personality disorder?

For the first few years of our lives, our brains are geared only towards meeting our own needs. By about the age of 8 years, as we are ready to expand our awareness further into the world around us, new neural pathways develop that allow us to consider others as well as ourselves. For some reason, this doesn’t develop in certain people, so they do not have the capacity to consider others. They will learn various coping mechanisms to get through life, all developed to meet their own needs, but they soon learn that their behaviour towards others will affect their own lives, so they learn the necessary behaviour patterns. They can be very charming and intelligent, as it helps them, but as soon as they no longer need you, they drop you. It can be a shock that someone you believed loved you suddenly shows that they never loved you at all.

So what stops the new neural pathways from developing? It can be nutritional deficiencies or trauma, but the most common cause is soul loss. If the part of the soul that considers others is missing, the brain does not develop holistically. Although partial soul loss is often caused by trauma, something more insidious is happening with narcissists: the effect of eggregores.

The profit eggregore and narcissism in corporations

Eggregore Controller Psionic Plate

An eggregore is a kind of group consciousness that gathers momentum from many people having the same purpose or motivation. Every corporation and every group that shares a common goal will have an eggregore. This is useful, as it keeps all the people in the group focused on the goal so the group can succeed.  The problem starts when the goal of the group does not include considering others, as tends to happen in a capitalist society. 

As each corporation has its financial growth as its number one goal, those who walk all over others to achieve those goals rise to the higher positions. The leaders are not looking at what  their employees do to increase profits, they only consider WHO is helping bring in those profits.  As a result, all the higher positions in all corporations end up being filled by narcissists. So then the collective consciousness begins to conclude that considering others is counter to success, so everyone who wants to rise up the corporate ladder tends to be drawn in by its eggregore, which causes decay to the part of the soul that considers others, eventually leading to soul loss. So in a capitalist society, the problem of narcissism is increasing.

Safe Dealing with Authorities

How to recognize a narcissist

Narcissists can be very difficult to recognise because they have learned behaviour that gets them accepted. The tell-tale sign though is their inability to consider anyone but themselves. This shows itself in the blank look you get when you expect them to consider someone else. It may be a blank look in the eye, a moment of silence as they try to work out what you have asked them, but you can recognise that blank moment when something just doesn’t register. The next sign is the cold logic they use to take you away from your needs and boundaries. Then there is the twisted altruism they use to get you to sacrifice your needs for theirs. Once you recognise these simple pointers, you can avoid a lot of their other manipulations which can involve gaslighting, aggression or simply wearing you down by keeping up the pressure.

How to deal with a narcissist

Here are some key points to remember if you find yourself having to deal with a narcissist:

1. Never expect them to consider your needs. Every negotiation should focus on how it will benefit them.

2. Don’t enter any long term relationships with them as they will drop you as soon as it suits them, even if they act like they care.

3. Take extra care to maintain your boundaries or they will walk all over them.

4. Be very careful about clever manipulations. Take time to think things over before you agree to anything. Don’t be pressurised into making a quick decision.

5. Listen to your heart and your gut feelings; don’t be swayed by their twisted logic.

6. Define your boundaries in layers: write down what you want, what you will put up with for a friend, what you will do for a short time, and what you definitely don’t want. Know where the line is that you will not cross. Be aware of how they gradually move you further away from your boundary, and be adamant not to cross your line.

7. Make sure you don’t become dependent on them in any way, and watch for the ways they try to create dependence.

Lastly, consider actually healing them, using the methods I describe below.

Can narcissism be cured?

Although no amount of therapy changes the narcissist — they will act like they are changing but manipulate the whole process — shamanism provides the answer from a different angle.

The first step is to retrieve the missing part of the soul. Secondly, separate the person from the eggregore of narcissism. Thirdly, protect the soul from being further pulled in and damaged by the eggregore. Then finally, build the missing neural pathways by using the correct energetic structures. This can take a lot of work, and the main problem is that the narcissist is not motivated to heal, as the problem is everyone else’s, not theirs. To make it easier, I have created a psionic talisman that takes care of all these steps, and can be used on any narcissist to bring about this healing. 

Is it  ethical to heal someone without their permission? Yes, absolutely, when you consider it isn’t just their problem. It impacts you, other people you care for, and is a growing problem in the world as the souls of humanity are gradually decaying. Using this talisman on as many narcissists as you can breaks this trend and starts to reverse that decay. By doing so you are taking a step in saving humanity from this insidious problem. That has to be better than the alternative, which is to do nothing, carry on being abused by narcissists, and watch with despair as the problem grows bigger. As well as using the Narcissist Cure Talisman, I recommend using the Eggregore Control Plate on all the corporations that feed this pattern.

Narcissist Cure Talisman

healing narcissism and narcissistic abuse

Healing from narcissistic abuse

For those who have already suffered too much from narcissists, here are some simple tips for healing.

First of all, remember they tend to be very intelligent manipulators, as developing this skill has been their coping mechanism since they were children, so don’t feel too bad about not having recognised what was happening. The first step is to forgive yourself for having fallen for their manipulations. The rest of the healing is mostly about taking back power, as through all their manipulations they have gradually robbed you of power. 

If you haven’t already done so, work with my free course –Take Back Your Power’- also available in German.  You will need to go through the process a number of times, as you may have lost too much power to take it back all at once. It can feel like you don’t have the strength to start taking back power, so you start taking back a little, then as you get stronger you can take it all back. This way you will soon rebuild your confidence, inner strength and aliveness.

Take Back Your Power – FREE Online Course

Take Back Your Power I - Free audio course

Q&A Call ‘How to Protect Yourself from a Narcissist’ 5 October 2024

Join my free public Q&A Call on Saturday 5 October at 10am London time for further insights into dealing with narcissists – bring your questions or send them in advance. Watch the recording if you can’t make it live.


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