As if we didn’t have enough work to do already to heal ourselves, these days there are more and more environmental dangers that complicate the healing process. This has become particularly bad since the release of bio-weapons, strong electromagnetic fields, high tech mind control and gene manipulation. The good news is that once the external factors are recognised, they can be neutralised with the right technology without too much effort. It’s the inner work that is more complex. So let’s take a look at the different hazards that sabotage our healing, and their solutions. 

1.   Gene manipulation 

DNA strand

It seems crazy that medical science is willing to experiment with this technology on humanity, when science still only understands 6% of human DNA. Yet, we have been subjected to it en masse, if not by taking the mRNA vaccine, then by shedding. And as you might expect, there have been many detrimental effects, some severe. The most common problems have been inflammatory disease and blood clotting, but a more insidious effect that is showing itself, is the loss of cells ability to repair themselves.  If cells no longer repair, then all our healing no longer works. So how do we go about healing such damage? 

There are two clues: First is the fact that DNA has been given far too much importance, as if it is the deepest cause of everything about us. Well it isn’t; consciousness is. When scientists study DNA, they have to leave the room and let machines do all the analysis, because their thoughts change the DNA all the time. We also observe in our healing that DNA changes as we release old fixed patterns of consciousness; beliefs, emotional reactions etc. We see this in eye colour changes and the healing of hereditary problems.

 DNA is also affected by energy patterns and frequencies. In the Vedic system, it has been found that meditation on the Shree Yantra can heal at a genetic level. This brings us to the second clue: information is stored at an energy level, and is part of life itself. So, even though the DNA may be damaged to a point where it can’t repair itself, the ability to heal is stored even deeper, in our consciousness and our energy field. Note that the aura is not generated by the body, but exists first, and shapes the body. 

There are three defining characteristics of living beings:

  1. Autonomous morphogenesis; the wisdom of our bodies to rebuild themselves exactly as they were created.
  2. Reproductive invariance; meaning you reproduce the same form, not a different form.
  3. Teleonomy; having purpose in life.

As these qualities are part of life itself, not just humans, they are beyond our DNA, so when we activate the deeper energies and consciousness of life, not only can we heal all damage, but we also end birth defects and restore purpose in our lives. How do we do this? I have put together a psionic plate which holds the Shree Yantra, the necessary Solfeggio frequencies and the energy of certain plants, to activate this healing. It’s called the DNA Guard. I also give attunement to the Shree Yantra, so you can use it in healing. It is integrated into my Ultimate Healing course.

2.      Bioweapons 

There have been a few bioweapons released, creating pandemics that seem difficult to heal. They are harder to deal with because the viruses are genetically modified to do more damage; what they call Gain of Function. They work with the genetic modification to do deeper damage. Vaccines cannot protect against these, but rather are part of the problem. Making a vaccine from such genetically modified material only helps it get into the DNA. So the first important remedy is the DNA Guard. 

The next thing to realise is that although drugs are not effective against bioweapons, plants work differently. They are not geared towards particular diseases, but work on our immune systems as a whole. They help our bodies overcome viruses whatever form they take. What’s more, nature continuously adapts to new threats as part of its natural survival and healing mechanism. We have always been symbiotic with plants; they react to the dangers first, and then help upgrade our immune systems. Those who work closely with herbs always find a herb to heal any new disease that comes out, it’s just a matter of time. Meanwhile, there are always the reliable immune boosters to help us through any disease, though with some of the bioweapons we have to take stronger doses than usual.

Here are a few favourites:

Golden Seal and Black Elderberry have been the most reliable immune boosters.

Chinese Thorowax prevents viruses from attaching to our cells, so they pass out of us harmlessly.

Colloidal Silver stops bacteria from reproducing, so the disease can naturally die out in a short time.

Bio-weapon Shield Psionic Talisman

For those wanting a simple solution, I have created the Bioweapon Shield; another psionic tool that upgrades your immune system to deal with new viruses, by directly acting on the deep energetic level that builds life.

3.      Electromagnetic pollution 

Whenever the atmosphere is electrified to a new intensity, a new epidemic breaks out. It often passes, as we adapt to the change, but there are always some who remain “electro-sensitive”, and suffer in the presence of electromagnetic fields. With each new intensity, more and more people are left suffering. 5G has taken this to a whole new intensity. There has been a lot of study showing the damaging effect of strong electro-magnetic fields on life, yet these technologies are still allowed. It can be even more damaging when these fields are pulsed at frequencies that are meant to affect us, either as a weapon or a form of mind control. Pulsed frequencies can be used to numb our consciousness, stopping us from questioning and therefore keeping us under control. Apart from the physical effect on our bodies, the numbing of the mind can also hold back the emotional release we need to heal. 

The best defence against electromagnetic pollution is tachyon. This is another modality I have integrated into my healing work. In order to deal with the pulsed frequencies though, we need to counter it with tachyon pulsed at the same, or neutralising frequencies. For this, I have made another psionic tool: The PEMF Shield (included in Invincible Psychic Clearing Level 2).

4.      Crystalline Implants 

Forget the idea of abduction and covert operations to implant crystals into you; the technology is now far more subtle. The chemicals needed are spread through the atmosphere through chemtrails. The crystals self-assemble within our bodies under the influence of pulsed electromagnetic frequencies, which can come from 5G or through mobile phones. The exact purpose of these implants is hard to figure out, but they can affect our health, our life expectancy and our thoughts. 

As frequencies are used to assemble them. frequencies can also counter them, causing them to dissolve and be eliminated from the body. For a long time, I have witnessed all implants dissolving as the kundalini rises during my healing courses. ( Implants show in the iris of the eye as perfect, small crystalline circles). But I wanted to find a simpler remedy for those who don’t have the time for such intense work. 

I came up with two new psionic devices: the implant neutraliser (included in Invincible Clearing and Healing Psionic Course) and the AI disruptor (included in Invincible Psychic Clearing Level 2).  The reason for these different devices is that AI isn’t electrical anymore, but is organic, built through gene sequencing. As this is also controlled by frequencies, it can be remedied in the same way, but with a modification. The implant neutraliser is for the crystal implants; the AI disruptor is for the organic implants.

Invincible Psychic Clearing Psionics

5.      Disconnection from the Earth 

Our connection to the Earth has always been important. Our chi, or life force, rises through us from the Earth. It first rises up through the kidney meridian. It circulates through our meridian system, then the old energy is released back to the earth through the bladder meridian. This circulation of energy nourishes and cleanses our system, keeping us healthy.

Ultimate Healing Kit Psionics

There have been many reports of the Schumann frequency of the earth changing. It used to be 7.83 Hz. The problem is that the change is not natural. The Earth has been put into forced resonance by the strong electromagnetic fields from HAARP  and 5G. This altered frequency does not resonate with us, so I find almost everyone is being disconnected from the Earth energy, and this is negatively affecting their health. It takes quite a lot of healing to build a deeper connection that can bypass the disturbed electromagnetic energy. The problem is that the resonance is constantly being shifted by strong electromagnetic fields, so the healing needs to be repeated. I have created a function on my Ultimate Healing psionic plate that will reconnect to Earth, so  it can be done regularly. I will also create an orb of this healing to give free on my next Q&A call on 5 April, 2025, so if you wish to be able to keep your connection to Earth healthy, join me there!

See also my recent article ‘Healing the Unhealable Part 1 – Internal Causes’