Magickal self-defence with Javanese Magick

Javanese Magick, Djinn and Khodams

Why work with Javanese Magick?

Having travelled the world and learned many ancient magickal traditions, Javanese magick is the most powerful art I have ever come across. With the intense changes that are upon us, this is the kind of power we really need right now – particularly in the realms of magical protection.

For a summary of my Javanese Magick offerings, see Javanese Magick Initiations, Empowerments and Tools.

Javanese magick (Al Hikmah) originates from Egypt and has many specialities which I explore further in my article ‘Javanese Magick – Origin and Specialities Including Magickal Protection. 

I am an experienced Al Hikmah Master and use it extensively in my work and teachings. Below is an overview of the main ways in which I work with Javanese Magick:

Healing: The most powerful spirits I have encountered and worked with in shamanic healing have come from Javanese magick, and include angelic Khodams, Djinn, and Dragons. (Yes, these magickal beings really exist. They come from beyond creation, and are extremely powerful when eliminating any force you don’t want.)

Manifestation and Co-creation: The sorcerer aims to realise our God-like power while being human, by learning to co-create with all the higher aspects of consciousness. This begins with djinn.

Magickal Protection and Invulnerability: “I have found Javanese Magick to be the most powerful remedy to any form of black magick. This has been a necessary step in understanding our co-creative relationship with the Universe: as well as building alliances with magickal helpers, we have to switch off the forces that can harm us.”

Raising Consciousness and High Spiritual Powers: The power and skill of the art of raising one’s consciousness come from one’s depth of recognition of their oneness with the source of all creation. Spiritual power comes with the recognition of oneness, with becoming God, which is the foundation of ultimate healing. 

A deeper dive into Javanese Magick


Problems with physical health often have their cause in suppressed emotional trauma or negative beliefs, which may in turn have other layers of spiritual and metaphysical cause. Magick is needed to fully remove the causes of these problems and accelerate healing.

Many of the emotional reactions and hidden beliefs we operate through are beyond our control, often being inherited and stored in our genes. They may be locked in place by archetypal patterns that influence the whole of humanity through the collective unconscious. When we change the more superficial patterns of our lives through conscious effort, discipline or counselling, there is often a gradual rebuilding of these patterns by deeper archetypes. Changing these archetypes is the arena of magick. 

The magick may be done through ancient ritual, but in shamanic healing is often done quietly through inner world journeying. The shaman’s efficacy in changing or removing archetypal problems for healing depends on the depth of magickal power they have gained, and often involves the aid of spiritual helpers including angelic Khodams, Djinn, and Dragons

Manifestation and Co-creation

Co-creating with Djinn

Our most magickal helpers come from parallel worlds in which the beings have developed their magick to a much higher level than we have; the faerie and djinn realms. Whereas we have developed technology and the rational mind, these beings have put all their focus into magick. You can read more about the hierarchy of the Djinn in my article ‘Hierarchy of Magickal Helpers’.

Djinn can be seen as the magickal power we forgot when we became human. There is a hierarchy: djinn do their magick within the bounds of the earth.  Above them you have the demons and angels that affect reality on a larger scale, and above that, what were called the Devils. These are not evil, just materialistic.

Djinn reside on the astral plane and hold all the magickal power that shapes our world. The djinn you build a relationship with will be well attuned to your purpose, so will make perfect co-creators. Out of the many djinn you gain, there will be specialists in money, love, protection and anything else you will need, but more than helping with these basics, they will remind you of your True Will; what you are on this earth for. So you awaken and fulfil your destiny, reaching a higher purpose in being on Earth.

Read more about working with Djinn in my article Djinn Magick – Co-creating with Higher Aspects of Consciousness.’ and check out my Djinn Magick courses where you learn to invoke them. 

The first course of djinn magick contains 6 initiations that will enable you to conjure djinn for various purposes. The advanced course contains a further 98 initiations, to take you to the highest level of djinn magick, giving you mastery of djinn, muwakkils, demons, angels and dragons. This kind of magick can help with anything. You can conjure djinn for love, wealth, protection, anything you can think of. Consider a djinn as a co-creator who can spend 24/7 focusing on your goal,. who will have personal helpers who spend all their time working on your goals. Remember to do your own part though, as you are working together in co-creation.

Djinn Magick

Advanced Djinn Magick

Magickal Membership students can also access the recording of my ‘Djinn and Khodams’ online workshop.

Talismans & other Magickal Objects

Talismans are used as a shortcut to manifesting. Most talismans are Islamic or come from the Kaballah. Read my article ‘Talismans: Sacred Symbols of God’ and my Magick Student Q&A call Talismans as Doorways to Magick’

Djinn, khodams, dragons can be conjured into jewellery and staffs – see Tree Spirits and Livewood Beads

Invulnerability and Magickal Protection

Invulnerability – Tenaga Dalam practice

Magical Protection with Javanese Magick Tenaga Dalam

Through the practice of Tenaga Dalam, the body is fortified with magickal force, so machetes and other sharp instruments bounce off without leaving a scratch and the body is protected against fire, poison and even bullets. Tenaga Dalam is also effective in protecting against other modern day dangers such as radiation, electromagnetic pollution, environmental poisons, con-artists, accidents, magickal attacks and other negative energies. 

It is also a great addition to any martial art, as it gives a great inner strength, invulnerability and assures victory in conflicts. As well as invulnerability, advanced practice can give superhuman strength, speed, intuition, and can help master any martial art by drawing on the spirits of past masters.

There is a higher form known as Tenaga Dalam Illahiah, which roughly translates as celestial prana, which gives a higher level of protection. As this is a celestial power that comes in through the Crown chakra, it activates one’s innate spiritual gifts, guidance and connection to one’s own source of power. This takes one beyond simple physical invulnerability, and allows a level of guidance that keeps one away from many problems.

 Magickal Protection – Khodams, Dragons & Tigers

Conjuring of Khodams

Angelic khodams can be used in shamanic healing

Khodam is a word from Al Hikmah (Islamic Magick) that means a server, or helper. Also known as Hafadoh Angels, they are between the Djinn (Genies) and Angels. Unlike the Djinn, they are always good, and beings higher in spiritual power can always overcome problems caused by evil Djinn. Khodams work with Tenaga Dalam to increase one’s magical protection and invulnerability and are highly intelligent, guiding you away from problems and towards success.

Whereas an angel is seen as a universal power rather than a personal one, the Khodam is the personal equivalent. You can compare this with the more popular notion of a guardian Angel. Khodams provide personal protection, and cause spiritual growth and enlightenment. They are powerful beings of light provided by Allah for the sole purpose of protecting us, fulfilling our needs and aiding our growth towards enlightenment. As such, Khodams are something no-one on a spiritual journey should be without.

Working with a Khodam

Apart from protection, Khodams also provide guidance, spiritual growth and healing powers. Guidance often comes through an inner voice, through dreams or you are unconsciously led into beneficial situations. The power of a Khodam also enables you to heal and protect others, and to exorcise demons and remove black magick.

Read my article ‘Khodam: The Mysterious Truth Revealed’

Khodam Empowerments

You will experience the Khodam empowerment in many ways. First, your whole body buzzes with spiritual energy. You feel generally happier and more positive, more energetic, and health can improve dramatically. You find your mind clearer, so intelligence increases and you make wiser choices. Dreams become clearer, and often provide guidance. As clairvoyance develops, you may begin to be aware of the Khodam communicating with you. Alongside all this, you will find your luck improving, more positive opportunities coming your way, and problems being resolved.

I offer many levels of Khodam empowerment, starting with the Asmak Khodam, which you can find here Khodam Empowerments. As you learn to invoke many Khodams to deal with more complex problems (including relationships and wealth), your spiritual power, authority, and healing potential are increasing. After the highest Khodam initiations you can receive marifatullah: the experience of oneness.

Angelic Khodam initiations are also included in the Javanese Magick Course and Advanced Javanese Magick Course and also my online  Psychic Protection Course: Protection at Work and at Home

Other Magickal Allies – Tigers and Dragons

Another popular spirit helper is the tiger. Shamans on Java like to have a tiger spirit guardian, as it gives a very strong charismatic and authoritative presence. These powers can be passed on through an initiation called Senggoro Macan.

Tiger Empowerments

The Strongest type of Ally the Sorcerer can gain is a Dragon. These are a lot more powerful than angels. There are a few kinds of dragon known on Java; the most popular magickal Dragon being the Nogososro. It takes a higher degree of initiation to work with these.

Dragon Magick is core to my work – see my Dragon Magick page for courses and empowerments.

Dragon Magick

See also my article ‘The Science of Safety & Magickal Protection’

Raising Consciousness and High Spiritual Powers

When we raise our consciousness so we can recognise our oneness with the source of creation, with God, we realise that we create everything, experience it, then dis-create it. This is all beyond technique, but is what makes all technique effective. From this magickal consciousness, any belief, habit, addiction, compulsion, fixed behaviour or disease can be dis-created; so it just fades to nothing.Then new awareness, strength and positive belief can be created out of source. 

This is where the real healing takes place. All shamanic initiations are stepping stones to this ultimate realisation of being the creator. They may require prayers, mantras, spells or techniques from various traditions, but ultimately we transcend all tradition, and can operate from pure magickal awareness in our shamanic state. There are various magickal empowerments which can be given to take the student towards this kind of power. These transfer spiritual power, and lift the student ever higher towards this essential realisation. The highest of these initiations is known as marifatullah, divine gnosis, Isis unveiled or divine pearl in various traditions, but is the same experience, in which you burn with a blinding light as you realise Oneness. When this happens, there is no more conflict of faith, as you see that Allah, Isis, Shiva are all the same, whatever forms, names or gender one may try to pin on it. This level of enlightenment is where anything can be healed.

Other specialities of Javanese Magick 

These include Cursing and Love Magick and various spells to heal relationships, protect one’s home from thieves, increase sales (if you have a shop or business), and draw wealth in many ways. These are included in my Javanese Magick courses.

Javanese Magick Initiations Course

Magickal self-defence with Javanese Magick

The Javanese Magick Initiations Course has 10 levels, and includes many initiations and empowerments to make these spells work for you.  Levels 1 to 5 are in the basic course and levels 6-10 are in the advanced course. It includes tenaga dalam invulnerability empowerments, khodams (guardian spirits) and spells of increasing power levels which you are initiated into level by level. It also stimulates higher knowledge and awareness, so you gradually change your perspective and gain great understanding of magick. 

Javanese Magick Initiations

Advanced Javanese Magick Initiations

For a summary of my Javanese Magick offerings, see Javanese Magick Initiations, Empowerments and Tools.