My Magickal Membership is designed to create a community of students who can continuously learn and evolve in your magickal practice and self-healing. The core content is a series of regular Online Workshops which occur approximately every 6 weeks in line with major festivals. They cover a variety of topics and include empowerments and an opportunity for questions and answers as well as hot-spot coaching.
Who is this membership suitable for?
- Anyone with limited time who wants rapid change in their life
- Anyone wanting to laser focus and go deeper into specific topics
- Anyone attracted to the topics being offered
- Those with any level of experience with magick or shamanism – from no experience to adept.
Note: These workshops are not a substitute for the in-depth magick courses in my Online School or Home-Study Portal which provide full initiation, but rather cover many individual topics to give you practical solutions to life’s many problems.
Upcoming Workshop
Divination for Healing and Magick – Saturday, 1 February, 2025 at 2.30pm UK time
This is a practical workshop to enable you to not only diagnose the causes of illness and other problems, but also to choose which treatment is going to be most effective, and deal with any factors that may reduce your results. You will learn how to make pendulum dowsing work for you, be given a number of useful dowsing charts, and we will also look at bone casting and tarot for seeing which deities/spirits will help you.
If you would like to purchase this workshop individually, rather than as part of my Magickal Membership, you can do so here for the next few weeks here.
N.B. If you are already a Magickal Memberships member, go here to enrol in the upcoming workshop course and register in advance for the live Zoom call. Details will be available a few days before the live call. Put the call dates on your calendar!
Next Scheduled Workshops
Expanding Brain Power – Saturday, 22 March, 2025 at 1pm London time
We will cover this topic physically and metaphysically. First, we look at which nutrients we need for optimal brain function, then we go on to attunements and mantras for expanding intelligence, creativity and wisdom.
Magickally Gaining Physical Strength – Sunday, 4 May, 2025 time TBA
This workshop teaches the tenaga dalam forms which specifically focus on physical strength and which are used by martial artists and athletes to give strength, stamina, speed and explosive power. I will give the empowerments and go over the simple practices.
Making Things Less Real, and Why – Saturday, 21 June, 2025 – time TBA
This is the most important factor in breaking free from all the limits on your potential. The world around us is a dream, and the things we make too real, we can’t change. Our ability to change anything depends on the depth of realisation that it is just our dream. We will explore why and how we make things real, and then take control. Includes simple meditations and attunement for letting go of the realness of things. You will then have the keys to change anything.
Additional suggestions for future workshops:
- Tree magick
- Going faster and deeper into meditation
- Star family and impact on present
What else would you like?
Benefits of Membership
- Live in-depth mentoring on crucial and inspiring topics
- Opportunities for asking questions before, during and after the workshops
- Opportunities for individual coaching during the workshops
- Membership of our private MeWe community where you can share your experiences, ask questions and receive support from myself and community members
- Access to workshop handouts
- Opportunity to influence the topic and content of future workshops
- Option to purchase previous membership exclusive workshops at a discounted rate
- Access to high level teachings at a low monthly cost
Workshop Times and Subscription
Workshops will be held generally on a Saturday and sometimes on a Sunday at 11.30am UK time or 1.30pm UK time and will run for approximately 90 minutes.
The live workshop start time alternates each workshop to enable students in the US and Canada to participate live more easily.
You can join the Magickal Membership for the low monthly rate of $25pm.
If you would like to experience a workshop before joining my Magickal Membership, the next workshop ‘Divination for Healing & Magick’ will be available for separate purchase – for $55. You can purchase it here.
Not sure about a membership? You can make a one-off purchase of the upcoming workshop.
Generally, these workshops are exclusively for members of the Magickal Membership Workshops, although the next upcoming live workshop will generally be offered for sale at $55.
Previous Workshops
Magickal Membership students can purchase the recordings of previous workshops given prior to their membership at the reduced rate of $27 each from within the membership portal. These workshops are generally available only to members.
The Inner Child and the Magickal Child
Power: coming to terms with it
Possession: Prevention and cure
Eggregores – How to Create and Maintain Them
How to Deal with Death and Loss
Healing, Guiding and Protecting Children and the Vulnerable
Your Multi-dimensional Self and how to work with it
Co-creating with Your Higher Self
Magickally Breaking Bad Habits and Creating New Beneficial Ones
Learning to Destroy Negative Energies & call in Invisibility & Protection
Sacred Geometry to Empower Your Magick and Healing
How to Communicate with Plants, Trees and Animals
How to work with Angels and Demons to Change Your Life & Manifest Your Dreams
Finding Your Soul Purpose – Saturday, 6 November, 2021
Finding purpose in life is a major drive. Without it one can feel lost, lack motivation, feel one is wasting life, and fall into apathy.
In this workshop I will be guiding you through a process for discovering your soul purpose, which involves understanding seven key elements, two of which are common to everyone, and five individual keys that are to do with your potential, emotional challenges and life lessons. Once these are understood, you find your purpose for being here and your life will take on a new enthusiasm, depth and focus. Following your true purpose also ensures that your life becomes successful, as everything fits into place.
There will be an attunement to help awaken your sense of purpose, and opportunity for hotseat guidance, to ensure you succeed in your process of discovery.
By the end of the workshop, you will have experienced transformation, released negative programming about purpose, and will have a new clarity.
Student Feedback for ‘Finding Your Soul Purpose’
“It was incredible, and thank you for giving me a hot seat. It all makes sense now – and I can understand why I’m not doing what’s needed – taking the rest of the day to integrate it all, and looking forward to watching the replay, as I’m sure I’ll learn even more.” Katie, 52
“I learnt so much from attending Peter’s ‘Finding Your Soul Purpose’ workshop. I got to be coached on the call, as I booked a hot seat in advance. The meditation that Peter took us through was incredibly helpful. However the hot seat coaching was the best part as I got a deeper understanding of my talents and gifts, plus I got insights into how to use a Rune that Peter recommend I use and how to use my gifts in a practical way. The very next morning I put my knew knowledge into use. I highly recommend these workshops.” Gayatri Robertson
The Inner Child and the Magickal Child – Saturday, 4 December, 2021 11.30am UK
We all have an inner child, and depending on whether it is adaptive or free, it can be a problem or a boon. The magickal child taps into the innocent part of us before all the conditioning and limitations set in – before life becomes too real and too serious. It’s where we learn to play with creation with no restrictions. We’re unable to create our reality when we make things too real. Seriousness is the glue that holds the illusion together.
The child in us often holds many of our problems – when it is adaptive and wounded, it holds the victim and martyr patterns which stop us from being free to create our dreams. In this workshop, we start with an exercise to heal the inner child, which restores our freedom, imagination and ability to dream. We can then awaken the Magickal child, which can make our dreams come true. It is a very high energy, which lifts us beyond the illusion to play with creation. From this position of magick, we see everything as simply our creation – nothing too serious, nothing too real. There will be an attunement and meditation to awaken this special magick, which can make our lives miraculous.
Magickally Healing Trauma – Saturday, 8 January, 2022 2pm UK
There are many energetic layers to how trauma is stored. Psychology deals with so little of this. As a result, healing trauma has become a difficult process. This workshop will change that. By piecing together all that happens energetically to a person through trauma, healing becomes easy and natural. We will be using Runes to deal with partial soul loss, power loss, loss of confidence, restrictions to freedom and various other results of traumatic experience, as well as easily release the emotional content of the memory. You will learn to easily diagnose which runes are needed and become confident in healing trauma, for yourself and others. It includes a powerful attunement to the Runic energies.
The problem with healing trauma is that psychology doesn’t adequately deal with all of it. Many things happen during trauma – not just on a psychological level but also on an energetic and soul loss level. You have things like partial soul loss, cracks in the aura, leakage of energy, loss of power, pieces of the self being frozen and no longer growing. To each of these is a magickal solution.
We’ll be working with the runes. Each rune has a special healing quality for different aspects. For example, there is a rune for resurrecting that which has died which is very useful for waking the dead parts of yourself, and also soul losses and unfreezing the emotional blocks. Even some of the emotional complexities can be made much easier by using the runes. Just by putting things back into the perspective where you are the creator, you can observe the emotion without being too caught in it. For example, the ninth rune, Is, is often seen as a way of just pacifying the emotions rather than seeing it as a permanent healer, but in that position, you’ll be able to observe the emotions and heal them more fully because you’re not so much caught up in the illusion of it anymore.
We’ll be working with these runes to heal many aspects of trauma which will make the healing very easy and quick. It saves years of counselling which often doesn’t complete anyway. In this workshop, you’ll be guided through the different types of trauma that can be healed. I’ll give you attunements to the runes and initiations to use these runic powers so they’ll be very easy to use.
Choosing to be a Winner – Saturday, 5 February, 2022 11.30am UK
There are profound choices we make early in life, which determine whether we will be winners or losers. Many seemingly harmless choices can produce unexpected consequences. In this workshop, we will look at these choices and provide techniques to change them. An attunement will be included to shift your resonance to that of a winner, and a meditation for finding and changing choices.
Power: coming to terms with it – Saturday, 5 March 2022 – 11.30am UK to 1.30pm
We are all God, and can therefore access all the power of creation, yet we have many blocks to claiming our full power. In this workshop we will look at power loss, fear of using power, guilt of past misuse, unworthiness, image, past-life persecution and then go through a powerful meditation to make the choice to be powerful at a deep level. As usual, there will be hot seats available where you can be guided through your personal blocks to power.
Working with Dreams – Saturday, 2 April 2022 – 2pm UK time to 4pm
You have all come across dream programming techniques. In this workshop you will learn some magickal techniques that will take your dream control to a whole new level. You will learn to create lucid dreams, and program dreams for healing, learning, initiation or just fun.
Many people have read about dream techniques before but here we’re going to work with pure magickal techniques. We’ll be working with special beings from the inner worlds – Dream Weavers, Dream Stealers, Lord of the Abyss, the Mysterious Stranger – which will give you great mastery of the dream world. Dreams are not only to have fun, but to learn skills such as astral projection, explore the depth of your own unconscious, are a great form of therapy, introduce healing, receive messages from guides and to expand yourself. It’s a very productive area of exploration.
The magick techniques we’re going to use will give you mastery of creating lucid dreams and programming dreams with specific ends. You can even have pure wish-fulfilling dreams – do all the things that you don’t do in the physical world that can be fulfilled elsewhere. You can use your imagination for this to find fulfilment, learn new skills, practice things you can’t practice in this world and improve yourself in many ways. You’re also going to learn how to get guidance to interpret these dreams – to understand what’s being told to you and how to remember them.
So for all those who wish to explore this dream world, which is a fabulous way of expanding your magick, this is the workshop for you.
Orbs for Healing and Magick – Saturday, 7 May 11.30am UK time to 1.30pm
This workshop will teach you how to produce Tulpas and other magickal orbs, that can repeat and multiply any healing or magick you give them, so they can be sent out in an instant. Use them to instantly send out spells, attunements and various forms of healing. It includes an empowerment of the Orb of life.
Your Higher Self – Saturday, 4 June 11.30am UK time to 1.30pm
In this workshop we will be looking at your relationship to your Higher Self and how to enhance it so you have a life-long source of guidance and powerful help in your journey of awakening and manifesting your dreams. The presence of your Higher Self will enhance every aspect of life. It includes meditations, and a powerful attunement to connect you fully.
Dealing with Fear – Saturday, 2 July 2pm UK time to 4pm
There are many kinds of fear, and psychology doesn’t deal with them adequately as it misses the metaphysical aspects. In this workshop we will look at fear from a magickal perspective, which requires understanding one’s relationship to the future. There will be a powerful healing transmission to restore your sense of authority with your future, plus guidance to put you back in a position of mastery. We also look at the relationship of fear with love.
Dark Psionics: Fighting back – Saturday, 6 August 11.30am to 1.30pm UK time
A number of people have asked me to teach the darker side of psionics, for fighting corruption and destroying abusers. In this workshop, I will give some aggressive talismans that I don’t advertise, and teach you how to analyse enemies’ shields and destroy them.
This workshop is for anyone who feels they’ve had enough of being attacked and harassed and targeted; who feel it’s not enough to just keep protecting yourself from being harassed again; but it’s time to hit back – and hard.
What I’ll be sharing here is some very powerful talismans I’ve been using secretly which will enable you to take down enemies’ shields, break down the aura, destroy any servitors they have and launch some pretty devastating attacks to stop them once and for all from what they are doing.
Psionics is quite an easy system to use. Most of the work I’ve done for you – it’s stored in the talismans. Once you have a little bit of experience handling psionics and setting up charts, anybody can use it. It saves many years of training as the power is already in the chart – and anybody can use it instantly. What you will need though is the basic psionic chart. You can get this free from my website* if you haven’t bought the other version. I recommend using my chart because there’s really nothing out there powerful enough to do this work.
So, if you’d like to learn to fight back, protect yourself and stop those who are harming you, stop those who are harassing you and messing your life up, I’ll see you on this workshop.
* Enrol free in my ‘Public Questions & Answers with Peter‘ course, watch the recording on 29 August 2020 and download the free psionic chart. The chart will also be included in the handouts for this workshop.
Possession: Prevention and cure – Saturday, 3 September 11.30am to 1.30pm UK time
This is another popular request. I will be teaching methods for exorcising negative entities, as well as setting up protection against further invasions, including how to keep sealed against them when drinking alcohol. Negative entities can block a person’s healing and even stop them from coming for healing. I will teach you how to neutralise the entity from a distance so it doesn’t stop the client from getting to you. It includes a special talisman.
See also my recent article, ‘Demonic Possession‘
Possession isn’t always as dramatic as you might see in films like ‘The Exorcist’. Often it manifests as simple negative thoughts in your mind which get amplified and keep causing problems. Thoughts which won’t go away and which become stronger and stronger – which then sabotage your life and you find things going wrong. It can cause you to lose energy, can’t sleep, have nightmares. So all these little symptoms, although not as dramatic, can cause problems. People through sleeplessness can lose energy and become ill. It can cause bad luck, failure at work. It can be a major problem.
What this course is going to be about is teaching people how to recognise it, how to prevent it, how to cure it. Not only for those who experience it, but also for healers who deal with it in others. You see, quite often when a healer is dealing with somebody who is possessed, the person’s entity might stop them from coming to you in the first place so they never actually get there for healing.
I’m going to be teaching you a way of neutralising this entity from a distance so it can’t cause that trouble, so they can come and get it finally removed. I’ll be giving some powerful symbols and instructions to neutralise entities from a distance, controlling them, also how to remove them. I’m also going to talk about what lets them in. What are the weaknesses that open people to possession? I’m going to have some methods of protecting yourself; also how to cut ties to the patient so you don’t pick up their negativity. And we’re going to do some magickal techniques from very deep and ancient traditions which will enable you to control any kind of entity no matter how powerful.
So for anybody who has experienced any problem with a possession or healers who want to deal with other people who have possessions, this is for you so I’ll see you there.
Creating Runic Spells – Saturday, 1 October 2pm to 4pm UK time
Following the success of the Rune healing workshop, I will expand into using Runes for magickal purposes, such as drawing in money, luck, love, banishing troublesome people and protection. During the hot seats, I will be guiding some of you to change your life in wonderful ways.
Runes can be used for many of life’s problems. We’re going to use them for such things as money, work, health, healing, love, overcoming various problems, helping you master certain emotions such as dealing with anger, grief, fear, worry, depression. Basically, they can be used for so many things in life.
I’ve spoken before on Runes. What we’re going to be doing on this workshop is creating what we call bind runes – simple runic spells, teaching you how to combine runes to make these different spells. I’ll be giving you a number of ready-made ones for dealing with such things we’ve spoken about. Combined runes for healing, dealing with emotional problems, protection, protection while travelling – many possibilities – and you’ll be able to learn to create your own spells.
So basically, these rules are going to be able to give you mastery of many areas of your life – even some of the simple things, without getting too complicated. Any little problem you have in your life, you can create a bind rune to deal with it, and life changes. It’s a very simple and easy way of improving your life in many ways and dealing with the problems as they come up. So, if you’d like to actually learn more about this, and learn this simple magick to changing your life, and for overcoming all your problems, I’ll see you on the Magickal Membership workshop.
Eggregores – How to Create and Maintain Them – Saturday, 5 November 11.30am UK time to 1.30pm
Eggregores are strong thought forms that have taken on a life of their own. They influence the decisions of groups and many trends in our lives. Understanding and learning to control them will enable you to direct the decisions of organisations and take control of many hidden causes of events in your life. In this webinar you will learn to control, create and maintain eggregores to create positive change in your life.
For those of you who don’t know, eggregores are basically complex and powerful thought forms which take on a life of their own. They rule so many different things in your life. Groups which have been established for a long time have an eggregore which affects their decisions. So basically, understanding the work with eggregores will give you the ability to actually direct the decisions of these companies – even things like your bank. The things that pull strings behind, that people don’t see, these things you have to learn to control.
So eggregores can be used for actually affecting the decisions of groups, changing the direction those groups go in. But also, you can create them for personal uses because they affect so many things behind the scenes of our life – your emotions, how you respond to things. They can create success; they can create more harmony in relationships, they can create better feelings. So basically, by understanding eggregores, you learn to understand some of the hidden causes of many of the things that happen in your life. Understanding these things is going to give you control over more of the events of your life – give you a sense of more being in control. You’re going to learn to deal with the eggregores that are there, that already exist in groups, to create your own eggregores for everything you like, and how to maintain and strengthen those eggregores so they keep working for you. So, if you’d like to learn more, then please join me on the Magickal Membership workshop.
Healing the Inner Adolescent – Saturday, 3 December 11.30am UK time to 1.30pm
Earlier we dealt with healing the inner child. The adolescent is a lot more complicated. There are complex layers of shame, and we get stuck in patterns of martyrhood where we are misunderstood, overburdened and unappreciated. When we heal the adolescent and clear the shame, we have a healthy level of rebelliousness which leads to strong boundaries, assertiveness, confidence, authority and success.
I’ve spoken before about healing the inner child – the adolescent is a bit more complex than that. The adolescent holds more complex layers of shame, it holds onto martyrhood. Problems with the adolescent leads to being a martyr which means you are feeling unappreciated, over-burdened and misunderstood. It leads to you feeling various kinds of shame which you can’t express, which holds you back, lowers your self-worth, lowers your capacity for success. If you have any of these problems, quite often it’s the adolescent that needs dealing with.
As I said, it’s more complicated than the child. When we learn to heal the adolescent – free him of his complex shame and martyrhood, it frees you to be more naturally rebellious. A healthy level of rebellion leads to stronger boundaries, will, confidence, assertiveness and authority. When you join this workshop and actually heal the adolescent, you’re going to flourish more and come into your full power and be able to assert yourself in life and get what you want. And it strengthens your boundaries so you’re not being put down by others and affected by others. And particularly, it’s going to overcome this long pattern people have of martyrhood. How do you know you are being a martyr? – any time you feel over-burdened, misunderstood, unappreciated – all these things have their roots in adolescence. When you heal this, those patterns are going to end and you’ll be free. So, if you’d like to join me on this journey to become free, please join me on the Magickal Membership workshop.
How to Deal with Death and Loss – Saturday, 7 January, 2023 1.30-3.30pm UK time
This workshop is for anybody who has got somebody close to them dying, a friend or loved one, but also those who work with others who might be facing issues around death.
We’re going to be dealing with this from two angles. First of all learning how to move souls on elegantly, clearing any karma, any difficulties to move them across safely and happily, but also dealing with the trauma of losing a loved one. And actually these two are very much related to each other. You see, one of the big problems dealing with bereavement is the fact that there is no closure when they die. Once you understand how to move the soul on and you’re working with them, there is a time for closure where you say goodbye and you see them moving on and it makes the whole process much easier. It’s more like a friend has suddenly moved away and gone rather than going through all that trauma.
But also, part of what holds on to the trauma in their body is that the doorway to death is open. You’re linked to those energies that still feed on you. When you move them forward and cut that cord and close the door, that energy is gone. It’s much easier to let go of the person and know that they are happy and going to where they need to be.
It’s very good for all those of you who are losing somebody close to you but also for those healers who have clients who have to deal with death and bereavement. You’ll be able to pass this on to others – help them to move on the souls of their friends and take them through the bereavement process. So if anybody has anything to do with death in any way, this workshop is for you.
Secrets of Extended Youth – Saturday, 4 February, 2023 – 11.30-1.30pm UK time

We will look at what causes aging and degeneration, then do some meditations to clear these things from our subconscious. Empowerments will be given for a mantra to slow down aging, and a magickal healing done to remove the “ghosts and worms” and “cords of death” that drain our life force.
Making Potions – Saturday, 4 March, 2023 – 11.30-1.30pm UK time

In this workshop you will learn to create both healing elixirs from plants, and magickal preparations, from flower essences, gems, and various natural ingredients, for magickal uses such as protection, wealth, love, charisma and youth. Included are some empowerments for spells that will empower your potions.
Working with Ancestors – Saturday, 8 April, 2023 – 1.30pm – 3.30pm UK time
The spirits of our ancestors can cause hindrances in our lives when not at rest, yet they can be of great benefit when served correctly. They help us manifest our desires and give protection from negative forces. In this workshop you will learn how to feed them, and how to remove troublesome spirits.
Healing, Guiding and Protecting Children and the Vulnerable – Saturday, 6 May, 2023 – 11.30am UK time for 90 mins to 2hrs
In this workshop you will learn how to help those unable to take responsibility for themselves. A number of magickal orbs will be given, for healing, calming, exorcism, protection, improving sleep, stopping nightmares and clearing fears. You can send these easily to bring powerful positive change.
This workshop is for anybody who’s got small children themselves or who are looking after old people or adolescents, but also for those who are involved in healing and counselling who deal with children or helping those who have children.
On this course I’m first of all going to be giving some very simple magickal protection techniques that are quick and easy to learn that’ll help protect children while they’re vulnerable from astral invasions which can cause mood swings, nightmares, sickness and often cause many problems for children that you’re not aware of the causes. This protection is going to be very useful. I’m also going to give an attunement to a healing orb that will heal the aura and the heart chakra which is what’s most vulnerable at that time.
I’m then going to look at the difference between the needs of the old people when they’re vulnerable and they need looking after and how to prepare their souls to be more comfortable in their journey.
And finally, I’m going to look at those who are adolescents – what problems they have, particularly when they’ve been disempowered and oppressed too much. They can be stubborn and hard to work with but we can actually teach you ways of actually helping them and empower them without getting into arguments with them.
And of course, there’s going to be the hot seats so I’m going to guide you, some of you, through your particular problems if you have any problems with children yourselves or adolescents or you’re looking after people or even involved in healing and you have customers you need to know how to help. I’ll be there to guide you personally through your issues. And of course, on top of this, I’m going to give you all the empowerments necessary for healing in these situations. So, anybody who needs help with their children, adolescents or looking after any vulnerable people, I’ll see you there.
Mastery of Time – Saturday, 3 June, 2023 – 11.30am UK time for 90 mins to 2hrs
Many people have asked how to manage their time more efficiently with the help of magick. In this workshop you will learn not only to bend time, but to allow your energy to adjust, adapt and recover quickly, so you can fit a lot more into your work day while being invigorated rather than tired.
This workshop is for anybody who needs help in making more efficient use of their time; those who find they haven’t got enough hours in the day – they come out tired and end up making mistakes and not using time efficiently. I’m going to teach you several things. First of all, I’m going to teach you how to master your energy so it moves faster so you can actually change from one subject to another efficiently without loss of energy. And when you work in this way, not only are you less tired, but you come out invigorated by your work.
Secondly, I’m going to be teaching you how to actually master time itself, how to shrink it, expand it so you can actually use it differently. You can get more into your working hours but also recover quickly in your rest time. So, you can change, shrink and expand time as you will.
With these two methods, between them, you’ll have mastery of your day where you can actually
work efficiently and come out feeling very good, efficient and successful. And of course, I’ll be giving hot seats where I’ll guide some of you through your individual issues which you might be experiencing with your work, or individual problems with time and tiredness and so on to make sure you master these things. So, if anybody wants to improve their mastery of time, I will see you there.
Your Multi-dimensional Self and how to work with it – 1 July, 2023 at 1.30pm UK time for 90 min to 2 hrs
In this workshop we will explore how understanding the 4th, 5th and 6th dimensions can greatly improve your metaphysics, making manifestation, dis-creation, past life and future vision much easier. It includes an attunement of 5D prana, 6th element, and a special healing to reconstruct the etheric body in 18 dimensions.
You may have read some of my recent blogs where I have spoken about the Fourth and Fifth Dimensions, and probably have heard a lot about people entering the Fifth Dimension. I want to cover more how that works and what benefits you can get from it. And most important is the special empowerments to actually utilise the power of these dimensions. So, I’ll be giving you first of all an empowerment of fifth dimensional prana. By activating the prana fifth-dimensionally, it makes sure your consciousness is prepared to understand these higher dimensions.
What The Fifth Dimension will do is it will give you the ability to weed and cultivate your futures – see beyond the different timelines and change them. It’ll give you greater flexibility in changing your reality and changing your possible futures, as well as actually see and recognise the possible futures you’re creating.
I’ll also be giving an empowerment of the Sixth Element – something you don’t hear about so much. See while people are stuck in fourth or third-dimensional reality, they only understand the four elements plus possibly Spirit, but as we become more multi-dimensional, we look at elements beyond that as we expand beyond what’s normal. The Sixth Element generally manifests only as pure luck. When it’s active, it seems the universe is always on your side – things always go your way.
You may have heard a lot about The Fifth Element from many people but very few seem to know how it actually works it’s not really anything new, it’s new to many people but it’s a practice that’s been used in the ancient yogis – and this is a lineage passed down from the ancient rishis who really mastered these things. These empowerments really help you get there. Beyond The Fifth Element, we’ll be looking at the Sixth – understanding how this gives you access to alternate universes to draw upon the power of all of them and therefore increase the possibilities of what you create.
Also, we even then go on to the Seventh Dimension which gives you the ability to cross timelines – interact with different realities. The purpose of this is to give you more flexibility in your learning; to gather power from some other aspects of yourself from different dimensions; to make your experience, your knowledge more whole; to give you a greater mastery of this reality. First of all, that’s expanding possibility; secondly by learning new skills; thirdly by expanding your energy to actually change timelines.
The end result of this Workshop then is that you’ll be able to change your future more easily, look at the possibilities, change them and add to them and therefore become a greater master of creating the future you want. If you wish to understand these dimensions more, first of all see my recent blog on entering the Fourth and Fifth Dimensions and how they apply to weeding and cultivating futures and creation and dis-creation. And also, my more recent blog on the Sixth and Seventh Dimensions where I explain how they work and how this is going to affect you. By having your mind prepared, you’ll be ready to take these empowerments and really grow. So, if you’re interested in any of those things and would like to master your reality as well as learn more about what this expansion of consciousness into The Fifth Dimension is, then sign up now. I’ll be looking forward to guiding you.
I highly recommend you read my two recent articles before joining the live workshop:
‘Into the Fourth and Fifth Dimensions: Understanding Creation and Dis-creation’
‘Understanding the Sixth, Seventh and Eighth Dimensions: Psionics, Looping Time and Ascension’
Safe Dealing with Authorities – 12 August, 2023

In this workshop you will learn subtle and non-confrontational ways to influence authorities in your favour, how to influence their eggregores to become more flexible and cooperative, and how to pacify the ego. There will be an empowerment for this. You will then learn some rituals to influence decisions and close cases against you.
This workshop is for anybody who is having any kind of harassment from authorities – whether it’s from too many tickets coming to you, bills, people trying to harass you for more money or trying to generally put all these strange laws upon you and give you a lot of kind of stress, also for anybody who has some ongoing issues which haven’t been resolved yet. The first step with all these things is always to take your power back so I always recommend that you first do my pre-course on taking your power back if you haven’t already done so.
What we’ll be doing with this course is how to first of all deal with the projections of these people and how they affect you so you can dissipate those energy flows so they’re not protecting these negative situations on you which holds you in a negative place – such as putting you as a victim or a criminal or always making you feel wrong – how to dissipate those energies. Also, we’ll be learning how to deal with eggregores – how to recognised there is an eggregore behind these people that’s affecting you.
So, what we’re doing with this is totally non-confrontational, non-escalatory, to simply dissipate the negative energies. It will help to create positive change in the eggregore which is a kind of group consciousness of the group that they belong to. This way when you actually dissipate that, the people change towards you – you actually dissipate the negative energy that’s working very unconsciously.
Also, you’re going to be learning Vodou rituals that’ll close doors on any negative situation so it simply vanishes. And of course, as with all my workshops, I’ll be giving a magical initiation. In this case what you’re receiving is a servitor that’ll actually do the discreation for you, that’s able to spot negative situations and dissipate them. That way it makes it easy when you’re going through panic yourself and don’t feel up to doing it – it makes everything much easier.
So, this course is a totally non-escalatory way of dealing with the troubles you might get from authority, how to put yourself back in control of your own life and be in a position of power where you can create your dreams. So, anybody who wants to empower themselves so not to have to worry about authorities anymore, I look forward to working with you.
Co-creating with Your Higher Self – Sunday, 24 September at 11.30am UK time

Following on from our previous webinar on the Higher Self, we will go on to creating a co-creative relationship, that will engage your Higher Self in your manifestation processes, greatly accelerating your rate of manifesting success. It includes a special attunement.
I will do a brief recap of the earlier workshop at the beginning of the call to bring everyone up to speed. You are also welcome to purchase the first workshop from within my Magickal Membership for $27 if you would like to prepare in advance, or re-watch it if you already have access.
Previously, in these workshops we’ve dealt with making a connection to the Higher Self. We’re now going to expand upon that to create a co-creative relationship so you work with your Higher Self to create greater miracles.
So, in co-creation you’re going to learn how to combine your energy with that of your Higher Self and you’ll find that co-creation releases a power that’s totally beyond the sum of the parts. You’re going to be learning about the rules which make co-creation possible – how to activate it so when you actually do work with the Higher Self on these things you can create far more than you would have dreamed possible. It’s not just you plus your Higher Self, but the co-creation energy itself becomes something much bigger. You’re going to learn the principles which make that happen.
And once again there’ll be a magickal attunement that will actually put you in a space of co-creation with the universe. It changes your relationship to the universe from one of manipulation to co-creation to make this magick very possible. So, this is a very powerful and deep change that’s going on here that’ll put you in a position of co-creation with your Higher Self to create your dreams, basically, and manifest everything much faster. So, for all those who want to keep going this work and expand further and manifest faster, I look forward to working with you.
Magickally Breaking Bad Habits & Creating New Beneficial Ones – Saturday, 28 October at 1.30pm UK time

In this workshop we explore the metaphysical cause of habits. They are formed as elemental beings known as larvae. These are formed from the energy of repeated patterns of emotion and action, become living things and then try to maintain their own existence, compelling you to the same patterns of behaviour. You will learn to destroy these larvae and create positive elementals of your choice to replace them. Included are empowerments to destroy and create larvae.
An introduction to my upcoming Magickal Membership webinar on Breaking Bad Habits and replacing them with new beneficial ones.
We find we have to use some metaphysical tools here because psychology just isn’t enough. You’ll find with habits, that however much you spend time analysing them, trying to deal with the emotions of them, you find yourself compelled to doing the same behaviour, even before you know you’re doing it.
So, the problem with habits is twofold. First of all, metaphysically we see it as what we call a larva. When the thought form is projected enough, it becomes like a living thing that tries to maintain its own existence which is why habits seem to have this energy that maintains themselves – making you do things before you even think about it.
Secondly it affects our physiology through what we call the dopamine cycle. You see dopamine is there to give you the sense of feeling good as a reward to actually achieving something. The trouble is with addictions, bad habits actually create the same dopamine feelings so you get addicted to that behaviour. And addictions can be many things apart from things like food and substances, smoking, alcohol and so on, people are addicted to things like television, social media and various other forms of behaviour that waste their time.
The trouble with this is that the dopamine is used to give the reward for those things – there isn’t enough left to give you that feeling of being good for achieving anything. You may find for instance when you spend all this time on these other time-wasting habits, that there isn’t the motivation to do what you’ve decided to do. A simple example – supposing for instance you’ve started a new course of study, how many times to actually finish them? Are you afraid this would be the same? Don’t worry as I’ve made it easy. We’re going to be showing you how to actually break habits very easily and replace them with these new beneficial ones so that the dopamine works positively to feel good about those things that create success, give you achievement.
This course is going to include some very powerful attunements and empowerments. The first one for breaking down the larva, to destroy the energy of that habit which will then affect the dopamine cycle and then also one which will put energy into the new habit. So again, it establishes a habit that gives you a reward so you feel good about doing the things which bring you success and achievement. So, it’ll reset your whole behaviour pattern, your whole sense of reward and feeling good onto things which bring you success and achievement rather than things that waste your time. So, if you’re ready to finally break those habits and create habits that bring you to achievement, sign up now. I’ll see you there.
Freedom from Doubt – Saturday, 16 December, 2023 at 11.30am UK time

In this workshop we will look into the deepest cause of self-doubt and address it from its roots by realigning you with your divine power and reminding your soul of its limitless potential. There will be a healing to overcome inertia and then download into your soul the knowledge and memory of its divine power. There will also be a magickal healing to remove all the negative programmes from your subconscious mind.
So why do people doubt and how does it affect them? We certainly find in metaphysics that doubt gets in the way because we need expectation to manifest our dreams. You find in the animal kingdom doubt isn’t natural. You watch a cat for instance when it’s hunting, it’s 100% focused on its goal – there’s no other thought – there’s no sense of I won’t be able to do this – I can’t do it. There’s none of that.
So what goes wrong in humans ? Well first of all, animals have this focus because they need to survive. When people get lazy, if everything’s too safe, it also makes it easy for them to have their self worth undermined. Shame starts creeping in. This is when the thoughts come in – I’m not good enough. This is where they have doubts coming in because you don’t feel good about yourself. The other problem starts right from that point of separation from Source. We forget our power, therefore doubt starts creeping in.
So what can we do about all this? This is what this Workshop is about. We’re going to begin with an attunement that reminds you of your connection to Source – your Oneness. We’re going to do a healing which removes all that belief in failure. You’re going to be learning to use runes to overcome doubt and get to 100% focus. And finally, I’m going to give an empowerment of the jaguar spirit – I said cats have 100% focus in the hunt. Use that focus where there’s no doubt in your mind.
So this is a very practical workshop. So if you have any doubts in your mind and you feel it gets in the way of your progress, and you have self-doubt and can’t manifest your dreams, then this is a first step for you. So if you want to overcome your doubt, hit that button I’ll see you there.
Djinn and Khodams – Saturday, 27 January, 2024 at 1.30pm UK time

Khodams are magickal servitors that are in between djinn (genies) and angels. They are more powerful and better for protection. This workshop is designed to give you a clear understanding of how to work with djinn and khodams to build the most positive relationship with them. It includes all the ‘do’s and don’ts’, and how to feed them and gain their support. An attunement to djinn magick is included which will enable you to start conjuring djinn.
I’m here to introduce my upcoming workshop on Djinn and Khodams. So first of all, I’ll talk a little about what they are so you know what you’re getting in this package.
Well, most people know what Djinn are – the Genies, but they have various ideas about how real they are. Djinn are basically the spirits of smokeless flame – basically beings who are there to help us. And people ask why should there be beings to help us? Well first of all, I want to remind you that in our spiritual growth we recognize we all come from One Source. The thing is, when we separated, we left that power outside ourselves. These bits of power outside ourselves are basically still waiting there to be claimed and help us. This is what the Djinn and Khodams are – these bits of your spiritual power you’re not yet using.
So everybody has the ability to call upon these spiritual helpers. The first line of those powers is what’s called the Djinn – like a parallel magickal race who are good at manifesting your reality.
Secondly, above that we have the khodams – these are seen between Djinn and angels. Angels are more universal forces. The personal guardian angels we have are actually khodams – something in between.
So these are your higher beings which are there to look after you. Djinn to often look at your survival needs; khodams for more spiritual needs. So they are there – one can call upon them.
So this course is a very practical one that’s going to teach you how to work with them. It’ll give you all the ‘do’s and don’ts’ about Djinn communication, how they might work, and avoid things that’ll put them off. And also I’m going to give some very powerful empowerments from Javanese Magick. I’m going to give you an attunement to this magickal system of Java which gives you the ability to call Djinn just by using a simple mantra. And you can call them for various purposes – say, money, love, protection, healing or general spiritual development.
Also be aware though that working with Djinn does not take away self responsibility – they’re beings we co-create with. It means if you’re already on a path that wants to manifest your destiny, master your own dreams, by co-creating with the Djinn you do it far more powerfully, get faster and better results. So if you’re already on your path of starting to actually want to create your dreams, and you want to up the game and do it much faster more efficiently, then this is the course for you. So hit that button and I’ll see you there.
Magickal Protection – Saturday, 23 March, 2024 at 11.30am UK time

In this workshop you will learn to clear space, do banishing rituals, clear ghosts, remove all negative energies and curses, and protect yourself against negative entities and psychic attacks. There is also a special discourse on poltergeists, which usually manifest as hypervigilance, stopping you from sleeping. You will learn to recognise the different forms of haunting, and how to do deal with each. It includes preparation, prayer, smudging herbs, crystals, ritual baths and banishing rituals. An empowerment will be given of a cleansing orb that can be used on people or places.
I’m here to introduce my upcoming workshop on magical protection. First you might ask is what do you need protection from – what’s this going to do for you – why do I need it? Well, apart from the things people talk about like black magic and entities and so on, there are many dangers in this modern world coming from mind control, EMF attacks, electromagnetic frequencies and even psionics.
I’ve noticed this myself. I realized it happening because I was on a train sitting behind a couple of policemen going to a mind warfare training. So, I heard all about it, how they’re going to have special training and computers with psionic software they can attack people with and bring them down – anyone who goes against the system basically – which is many of us. There’s many energies out there that can bring you down.
Apart from that, those who are opening spiritually find when they open to the astral, entities start noticing you and without you even knowing they’re draining your energy, so you’re going down in your energy causing various problems. And, of course, then you might actually get attacked by a black magician. So, this workshop is a practical one giving you tools to deal with this.
First of all, you’re going to learn banishing rituals so you can banish all negative energies from your space; but also, to make it easier, I’m going to be giving some orbs. These are magical empowerments you can use just by intention at any time. So, once you’ve got those, it’s easy to use. There will be magic orbs for cleansing for yourself as well as for protecting your business and clearing your workspace. So obviously those who are in business or doing healing need to clear the space of negative entities. And those who run any kind of spiritual healing business find that’s more under attack too -and clearing that will greatly improve your business. So, these orbs are going to make it easier – once you’ve learned the principles and the banishing rituals, these orbs make it easy to clear everything and keep yourself safe.
So, if you’re ready to go through life free of all these problems and free of all this heaviness that holds you back, work more successfully, happily, then this is for you. So, press that button. I’ll catch you there.
Letting in the Love – Saturday, 27 April, 2024 at 1.30pm UK time

This workshop is about letting in the love of the Goddess, who loves you totally. Every obstacle, problem and painful experience is an area where you are not letting in Her love. When you can fully let yourself be loved, you are healed, joyous, safe, all your needs are met and your dreams are fulfilled. But love is vulnerable. What would it feel like to be given all your dreams, without having to struggle or prove yourself? This takes us further into the magick of resonance, away from the world of competition and force. There will be an attunement of forgiveness, followed by an attunement to Goddess’s love, and diksha to a powerful mantra of the Adi Parashakti; the first supreme power, to keep building this connection.
The Merkaba – SUNDAY, 2 June, 2024 at 11.30am

We will explore some little-known powers of the Merkaba. When used right, it can take you beyond time and space. A very useful practical application of this is that you can take your problems beyond time and space and leave them there. As they are dispersed into the unmanifest, they vanish from your life forever. A powerful meditation is included.
Learning to Destroy Negative Energies and Call in Protection and Invisibility – Saturday, 27 July, 2024 11.30am London time

This workshop goes beyond psychic protection methods and will give you empowerments of astras (magickal missiles from the Vedas) that will totally annihilate any form of negative energy that gets in your way. This can be used to destroy negative entities, atmospheres, spells, implants and negative thought forms. You will also be given a cloaking empowerment that will stop dark spirits and magicians from being able to track you on the astral.
Sacred Geometry to Empower Your Magick and Healing – Sunday, 22 September 1.30pm London time (Equinox)

In this workshop we will look in depth at a few of the most potent energy patterns, and learn to access their full power for enlightenment, transformation and healing, and to open doors to greater magick. There will also be opportunity to explore any sacred symbols you request.
How to Communicate with Plants, Trees and Animals – Saturday, 2 November, 2024 11.30am London time

In this workshop I will go over the criteria for establishing communication, and meditation methods for connecting with trees, plants and animals. This will enable you to prepare wands with tree spirits in, understand the magickal and healing properties of herbs, and talk to animals to understand their needs. It will include an attunement to get you connected to the consciousness of nature.
How to Work with Angels and Demons to Change Your Life and Manifest Your Dreams – Saturday, 21 December, 2024 at 1pm London time

This will be a very practical workshop for all those who wish to invoke these ancient powers safely and easily to make powerful changes in their lives. I will be sharing some angelic seals and talismans for various purposes such as protection, ending bad luck, destroying enemies, expanding business, and giving attunements to them so you are ready to use them quickly and easily. There will be a number of powerful attunements, so be prepared to come out feeling fried!