It is generally understood that we create our own reality from the quality of our thoughts and emotions, but this is only one form of magick, which is most suited to humans, as our greatest tools are our desire, imagination and expectation. However, when dealing with plants, we are working with a completely different type of consciousness, therefore we will need to embrace some different forms of magick. There are two in particular we will need: resonance magick and co-creation magick.
Resonance Magick
Resonance is about understanding the vibrational nature of energy, and how waves affect each other. Our normal measurement of power by force no longer works, as waves do not push each other along; they simply blend and create new wave patterns. We can start to apply this to our own process of creation by seeing our overall life pattern as a complex standing wave pattern. Trying to change it by force doesn’t work; it will always create new, unexpected patterns we often describe as karma. If, instead, we consider the many different waves that have combined to create our life pattern, and we remove just one of those waves, the whole standing wave pattern collapses and rearranges into a new pattern. Adding new resonant patterns will also change the overall wave pattern.
Various natural elements hold strong positive resonant energies that can be very useful to us – herbs and crystals being the most obvious. One secret of plant magick is to pick plants that provide just the right resonance to shift your energy pattern in the direction you want it. Can this be as effective as hard work and struggle towards our goals? Actually, it’s how evolution occurs. Whenever a being is overwhelmed by too much input from its environment, it breaks down and reorganises at a more complex level. The new form is now able to handle the input from its environment easily, and is non-linear and non-causal with the form that was before: i.e. we make complete changes to ourselves and our lives without the need to know how. We are changed on a profound level by the resonances from our environment. This should give you some idea of the vast potential of allowing natural resonance to change you, if you just let go and don’t try to control the process.
Co-creation Magick
Co-creation is a power that is between, through and beyond the individuals co-creating, and is far more than the sum of the parts. It is often said that the highest truth is that we create our own reality, but this isn’t quite true: we co-create our reality. There are always other consciousnesses having a say in how our creation turns out; from spirits, ancestors, other people and also from plants and crystals IF we invite them to work with us. The only criteria in co-creation is that you have a common goal. Do plants have goals? Yes. They may not have the complex visions we have, but they have the simple will to survive, heal, protect themselves and grow, and because they are not distracted by other goals, their intent is very strong and clear.
So let’s apply this to our rituals of protection. We first find plants that have developed efficient ways of protecting themselves from various threats: some by having thorns or stings, others produce oils that repel harmful insects, slugs etc, some that kill harmful fungi and bacteria, and some that produce poison to kill whatever threatens them. What we are looking for is a combination of a very positive and harmonious resonance with a strong will to protect.
Some of the stinging and thorned plants don’t have harmonious resonance, so we will leave them out. What fits the bill are the plants with beautiful, relaxing and uplifting scent, that also repel anything that would harm them. There are many aromatic herbs in this category: lavender, balm, rosemary, sage, dill, vervain, cedar, eucalyptus and lemongrass are some common ones.

Smudging with sage is a well known practice, but it is far more powerful if we co-create with the sage by engaging it through prayer. All you need to do is take a moment to connect with the sage spirit, feel your common intention of cleansing, protecting and raising the vibration of the environment, then pray as you smudge, to keep that intention focused. This simple ritual will produce far better results than just burning the sage without the conscious co-creation.
Part of the power is to recognise your own power as creator, as you can’t be a co-creator without first being a creator. So adopt a strong positive attitude when doing ritual, knowing that you are a powerful being, co-creating with other powerful beings, and your combined power is far more than the sum of the parts.
Ways to use Herbs
The first way is through burning. Fire is also purifying, so it adds to the power of the plants. Just as you use sage sticks for smudging, you can do just as well with lavender, rosemary, balm, cedar etc.
Another way is through baths and washes, in this case adding the cleansing power of water. Add the herbs to the bath as you pray for cleansing, then soak in the bath as you imagine all toxic energy being taken out of you. Soak for 15 minutes, then stand up, turn anti-clockwise 3 times, then step out of the bath. When you pull the plug, see all the negative energy going down the plughole.
You can also make a strong solution of herbs, praying as you boil them down, and use it to wash the floor and walls in your home.
Prayers for use when preparing herbs, smudging etc
It is perfectly fine to pray in your own way, but for those who would rather have some ready made prayers, here are a few suggestions:
The banishing ritual of the pentagram (shown in the video above)
The throne verse (ayat al kursi), Islamic.
Shree Rudram (Hindu)
Kali Kavacham (Hindu)
Heart sutra (Buddhist).
Banishing Ritual – Goddess Version
Here is my banishing ritual, goddess version:
Goddess, to thee I call, in thee I believe
I open my heart, thy power to receive
Grant me thy presence, let me feel thy grace
Help me to cleanse and bless this space
Consecrate this place in thy holy name
And lend me thy power to do the same
Let it be thy presence that keeps me still
As I charge all present to obey thy will
The presence of the goddess is about to appear
So let this space be pure and clear
All dross and creatures of decay and strife
Go, lest ye profane the source of life
Goddess, now let thy presence be fully known
Within my heart where is found thy throne
Manifest here, show us thy will
Guide our work and keep our spirits still
In recognition of thee I draw this ring
So within it thy gifts thou may bring
Grant that it may keep us free
Of all that is not at one with thee
Great goddess, as we receive thy gifts from above
Of light and power and strength and love
We pray that you may guard our souls
And keep us aligned to our rightful goals
As we stand firm upon the earth
We recognise the goddess who gave us birth
And accept the life that flows from below
Enabling us to truly grow
Goddess, Grant me now the power of air
And the protection of thy spirits fair
And grant that nothing will pass this gate
That is not aligned to my true, noble fate
Goddess, grant me now the power of fire
To protect all that is your heart’s desire
Let the Guardian of the South stand firm and clear
To protect all that we hold dear
Let thy watery power Guard this western door
So that thy blessings can truly pour
Into our lives, into this space
that we may feel thine Infinite Grace
Let thy power Guard the Portal of North
So that naught but love may pour forth
To fill our minds, our hearts, our souls
And hold us firm in our greater goals
My space is now dedicated to these principles four
Above Me light, below me life, within me love, around me law
Maintained by the guardians of each elemental door
and that one great source that I stand for
Goddess, now you protect this space
And so we surrender to thine infinite grace
And thank thee for giving us the room
Within thy safe, encompassing womb
Resources for Protecting yourself using Plants
Spiritual Allies from the Plant Kingdom

A flower essence book with a difference. Peter Aziz describes how the Shaman works with plant spirits to produce powerful shamanic healing and transformation. This is an in-depth guide to the spiritual power of plants and how to gain their co-operation and is drawn from a tradition that has not previously been published. With 32 colour photos.
Herbal Sakti Empowerment

This empowerment bestows upon you all the secret magick hidden within the plant kingdom. It will allow you to access the full healing power of herbs, as well as their legendary magick, when using herbs as ritual components. Also allows you to channel the healing power of any herb.
Habundia Flower Essence Attunements

As natural medicine is being constantly oppressed, and even homeopathic medicines are being banned, I am now giving attunements of these essences, to preserve the power of natural medicine. The difference between this and the Herbal sakti on my aghori empowerments page is that I have done long dietas of all these plants, and can pass on their magick with greater power. Once you are attuned, you can channel the essences directly into a patient, or can prepare remedies just by channeling them into a bottle of water for one minute. You will need an hour for this attunement, and should have time to rest and integrate afterwards, as it is extremely powerful.
You may also like to join me on my upcoming Public Q&A session (free) on Saturday, 7 December at 1pm London time where I’ll be talking about ‘Protection and Banishing Negative Energies and Entities‘.