Levels of Mind – The Mythical Mind
To understand the vast potential power within myths, we start by looking at the levels of mind. Below our conscious, rational mind, lies the subconscious, which tends to be emotional, and in which beliefs are stored. These beliefs and emotions greatly impact our behaviour, our reactions, and the reality we create. Deeper than this is the unconscious, which is near infinitely powerful, but not in direct communication with our conscious mind. We can divide this into subsections in order to find ways to work with it. This is an important goal of magick, as choice is made in the conscious mind while power is in the unconscious, so if the two can be brought together, the possibilities are limitless. The first level below the emotional is what we can call the mythical mind. We call it so because it speaks the language of myths, not logic.
Myths and Magick
Studying the myths of any race reveals a lot of information about the people; more than history or archaeology can. The myths we are brought up with and those stored in our ancestry precondition our beliefs. They even behave as if they are part of our personal history. An example is the myth of Echo and Narcissus: a narcissistic parent causes the child to feel neglected until they fade away into just an echo, and this pattern gets repeated generation after generation. Counselling doesn’t break this, but it can be healed through magickal ritual or by engaging the myths through psychodrama.
Of course, mythology is used a lot in magick, but many would-be magicians don’t believe in the deities, and try to be more logical about their magick. These are the ones that often fail, while primitive tribes are achieving magickal results that few in the modern world would believe. It is not the rational mind that works magick. I like to remember a statement by Aleister Crowley: “whether or not the Gods exist is not an issue: the Universe behaves as if they do”. It may seem at first that we are less lucky for being brought up logically, whereas simpler people work magick more easily as logic doesn’t get in the way, but we can easily overcome the limitations of the logical mind by understanding the place of myth.
Symbolism and Earth Energy Points
The mythical level of mind responds to certain kinds of symbolism, the most powerful being telesmatic imagery. This is something Israel Regardie wrote about in his works on the Golden Dawn. It’s a system where the body is divided into 5 sections, each suggesting some tendency or ability to the unconscious. Egyptian magick made very good use of this. The images with heads of different animals, different coloured clothes on the body, different sized feet and different objects in the hands all gave expression to certain divine forces. Such images, when used with reverence, became powerful conduits to the energies they represent.

The power of these mythical beings is manifested more fully when earth energy points become strongly associated with mythology. These power centres are liminal spaces between the different levels of experience, and resonate perfectly with the power of myth. There are good examples in India, where the power points are all associated with the actions of a deity. For example, the 51 Shaktipiths are the 51 places the body of the Goddess fell to earth, after being cut up by Vishnu’s Sudarshan chakra. The level of belief and reverence at these points manifests much spiritual energy, which benefits all the worshippers coming to these sacred sites. Similarly in Egypt, the main temples are all sites in which the body parts of Osiris fell. The temples capture the energy of this mythology, and further amplify it through carefully designed stone structures and hieroglyphs.
Hieroglyphs are a particularly potent form of symbolism to bring messages to the unconscious, as they actually form the shapes of neuropeptide chains and nerve pathways in the brain, so use of them can activate templates in the brain, awakening dormant powers. This is found in all human beings, regardless of language or race. The combination of stone structures and hieroglyphs make Egyptian mythology particularly powerful and alive. This is why the elite World powers still use Egyptian magick to maintain control.

You don’t actually need to be at these sacred sites to access that energy. Through the principle of entanglement used in psionics, the symbols taken from these sites transfer the power over a distance. All you need to access the power is the reverence towards the deities, the symbolic link, and ritual which uses classical invocations taken from the myths.
I hope this gives you an understanding of the real value of traditional magick, and how it works beyond rational thinking.
Learn Egyptian Magick
You can learn Egyptian magick in depth with some potent empowerments, in my Egyptian Magick course, including the traditional invocations. This course will be available on my Aziz Shamanism School of Magick on Saturday, 4 March 2023. I will be talking more about it on my free Questions and Answers call on Saturday.