Gaining Wealth Talisman

Sacred Geometry Talismans in Magickal Practice

Sacred geometry, ancient patterns and Divinity

The Source of all creation is pure, undefinable awareness which does not yet have any direction. As it creates limitless possibilities, it first structures the pure energy into patterns. Sacred geometry is a way of connecting to these patterns to connect with the divine powers that are part of the process of creation.

These patterns are not always logical in their construction, though people have often tried to add some kind of logical explanation to them. A good example is the Shree Yantra:

Sacred geometry talismans -Shree yantra

The vedas describe it by associating each triangle to a goddess, in order to define its power, but this doesn’t really explain its structure. After studying quantum physics and relativity, I saw that this symbol was a good image of 18-dimensional tetrahedral space, which is one of the theories of the nature of the universe. It connects us, through meditation, to the perfected pattern of creation, and through this connection can perfect our personal energy pattern for healing and manifestation of one’s perfect life. My point is that ancient patterns may be doorways to powers we cannot see.

Sacred Geometry in Radionics

A good practical example of this idea at work can be found in radionics (the healing branch of Psionics), which is generally powered by patterns which work equally well whether you understand them or not. The Hieronymus machine, for example, one of the earliest radionics machines, was found to work even when switched off, and a picture of the symbol inside it also worked without the rest of the machine, but if the picture became faded and a line was broken, it wouldn’t work.

I mention this as an example of how a symbolic pattern can affect energy flow, and therefore have effects on our health, and on our reality in general.

Symbolic Hieronymous Machine

Some ancient symbols are incorporated into radionics: for example the Flower of Life is often used as the strongest amplifying pattern to generate power in radionic programmes.

Sacred geometry talismans - Flower of Life

This pattern was found carved into stone at Abydos; the oldest temple of Osiris. It symbolises our path of growth and evolution of consciousness, each circle representing a perspective from a fixed viewpoint, and as we move to the edge of our awareness, we create a new circle of perspective, wider than before. Each interlocking circle is also a lens for divine power, focusing it in new directions as our perspective expands. I deal with this in far more depth in my Magickal Membership workshop; “Sacred Geometry to Empower your Magick”, which I’ll be giving online on 22 September where I will also give a very powerful psionic plate to utilise its potential.

Examples of talismans to manifest specific desires

Here are a few more examples of patterns used in talismans to help manifest particular desires:

Gaining wealth. This has always been a big focus of magickal talismans.

Examples are the shree yantra, shown above, and some of the pentacles of Solomon, particularly pentacles of Sun and Jupiter. The fourth pentacle of Jupiter, shown below, is intended to draw riches. The pattern can be charged as a magnet to keep the abundance flowing into your life.

Gaining Wealth Talisman

Talismans to increase magickal damage. This seems to be a growing concern these days. Many people wish to use magick to fight enemies, bullies, corruption etc, and really need to see it work, i.e. the cause of their distress must suffer damage. The most obvious talisman to ensure victory in such fights is the sixth pentacle of Mars:

Talisman to increase magickal damage

Egyptian magick also had some powerful answers to this problem. Sekhmet, the avenger, was called to destroy enemies. Here’s a Sekhmet talisman I drew myself:

Sekhmet talisman

It utilises hieroglyphs rather than sacred geometry, which work for a different reason: the shapes of hieroglyphs are all found in the human brain, in the shapes of neural pathways and neuropeptides, so they have a profound effect on stimulating dormant powers.

Talismans to increase faith

This is also a very common reason people are drawn to talismans, though this depends on what you want to increase faith in. Each religion will have a talisman to increase faith in its idea of God. They work by increasing your attunement to divine energies. Possibly the most powerful universal symbol, irrespective of religion, for increasing this attunement is the Flower of Life. In Egyptian magick, we can invoke Nephthys to open all the gates to power, thus increasing our attunement with our deities, and therefore our faith.

Here is a Nephthys talisman I drew for this purpose:

Nephthys talisman

How do talismans work?

Both talismans and sacred geometry work by helping us attune to the energy patterns that create our reality, so apart from correct patterns, hieroglyphs or other symbols, what is required to make them work is our will to attune with those energies. As these are spiritual energies we are connecting to, we can say that our level of commitment to our spiritual paths has a strong influence on the effectiveness of these talismans. Therefore it is best to work with talismans that are linked to your chosen path, and deities you have some belief in.

What is sacred geometry used for?

You can see from these few examples that sacred geometry can have many uses; increasing our connectedness to divine powers via the Flower of Life; healing our bodies and our lives through the Shree yantra; and as many uses as your imagination can come up with as we are basically tapping into the causative forces in our reality, to change reality in anyway way we choose; to improve our own lives, as well as for more nefarious purposes such as giving someone else a hard time.

Magick and Healing of Sacred Geometry – Sunday, 22 September 1.30pm London time (Equinox)

Magick and Healing of Sacred Geometry

In this workshop we will look in depth at a few of the most potent energy patterns, and learn to access their full power for enlightenment, transformation and healing, and to open doors to greater magick. There will also be opportunity to explore any sacred symbols you request.

This workshop is part of my Magickal Membership.


If you would like to purchase this workshop individually, rather than as part of my Magickal Membership, you can do so here for the next few weeks here.

One thought on “Sacred Geometry Talismans in Magickal Practice”

  1. Amusing to see how the Wiki gatekeepers invert and attempt to put people off so much that is good by inversion, i.e. the Hieronymus Machine being regarded as ‘pseudoscience and quackery’. Well, they would say that wouldn’t they, being mainstream approved information on the internet. It’s a game of spot the inversion and flip it upright to allow the truth to be seen.

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