As if we didn’t have enough work to do already to heal ourselves, these days there are more and more environmental dangers that complicate the healing process. This has become particularly bad since the release of bio-weapons, strong electromagnetic fields, high tech mind control and gene manipulation. The good news is that once the external … Continue reading Healing the Unhealable Part 2 – External Influences→
Is anything really unhealable? There have always been cases of an individual overcoming every possible terminal illness through their own deep journey of transformation. This does not constitute a cure, as it is not repeatable. However I have spent many years studying what makes each miraculous healing work, and more importantly, all that stops it … Continue reading Healing the Unhealable Part 1 – Internal Causes→
Dealing with modern mind control techniques, PEMF’s, bioweapons, dimensional breaches, alien demons and gene manipulation. With constant new threats against our sovereignty being devised, it can be overwhelming to try to keep up protection. In this article I bring together all the elements so that we can devise a strategy to keep us safe from … Continue reading Solutions for Modern Threats on Your Sovereignty→
It is generally understood that we create our own reality from the quality of our thoughts and emotions, but this is only one form of magick, which is most suited to humans, as our greatest tools are our desire, imagination and expectation. However, when dealing with plants, we are working with a completely different type … Continue reading How to Use Plants to Protect Yourself from Negative Energies→
You have all heard of the Law of Attraction, and the simple methods of visualisation. It sounds easy enough: you visualise your goal, feel the desire and the expectation, let it go, and it manifests. So why do so many people find manifestation not working for them? We will look at how it works, and … Continue reading Manifestation: Making it Work→
Most psychiatrists have come to the conclusion that narcissists never get better, as they are incapable of considering others’ needs. But is there a possible cure outside psychology? Before exploring healing narcissism, let’s start by looking at how narcissism is caused. What causes narcissistic personality disorder? For the first few years of our lives, our … Continue reading Healing Narcissism and Narcissistic Abuse: A Shamanic Approach→
Sacred geometry, ancient patterns and Divinity The Source of all creation is pure, undefinable awareness which does not yet have any direction. As it creates limitless possibilities, it first structures the pure energy into patterns. Sacred geometry is a way of connecting to these patterns to connect with the divine powers that are part of … Continue reading Sacred Geometry Talismans in Magickal Practice→
My Journey into Egyptian Magick I want to start by writing something about my own journey into Egyptian magick. I come from a bloodline of Hungarian witches on my mother’s side, and was told that they descended from the priestesses of Egypt. My full initiation into Egyptian magick came when I was 26. At that … Continue reading Awakening Egyptian Magick Practices – Sacrifices & Pacts→
New Invasive Technologies In the realm of alternative and spiritual healing, we are constantly coming up against new technologies for invading our sovereignty. New methods are being created so fast, it is hard for shamans to keep up with solutions. For many centuries shamans have been dealing with the same issues: curses, entities, energetic cords, … Continue reading What do we need to protect against? The latest threats→
Bifurcation and tethering to our best future As we come towards bifurcation, we see many contrasts in the world: On one hand the threat of war, total loss of freedom, totalitarian organisations and AI, and on the other hand, reformation of the banking systems, erasing of debts, arresting of corrupt leaders of said organisations, and … Continue reading Dealing with chaos, violence and uncertainty→
Shamanic Healing and Magick with Peter Aziz of Devon, UK