Tag Archives: psionic talismans

Manifestation: Making it Work

You have all heard of the Law of Attraction, and the simple methods of visualisation. It sounds easy enough: you visualise your goal, feel the desire and the expectation, let it go, and it manifests. So why do so many people find manifestation not working for them? We will look at how it works, and … Continue reading Manifestation: Making it Work

Healing Narcissism and Narcissistic Abuse: A Shamanic Approach

Most psychiatrists have come to the conclusion that narcissists never get better, as they are incapable of considering others’ needs. But is there a possible cure outside psychology? Before exploring healing narcissism, let’s start by looking at how narcissism is caused. What causes narcissistic personality disorder? For the first few years of our lives, our … Continue reading Healing Narcissism and Narcissistic Abuse: A Shamanic Approach