Tag Archives: Ultimate Healing

Healing the Unhealable Part 1 – Internal Causes

Is anything really unhealable? There have always been cases of an individual overcoming every possible terminal illness through their own deep journey of transformation. This does not constitute a cure, as it is not repeatable. However I have spent many years studying what makes each miraculous healing work, and more importantly, all that stops it … Continue reading Healing the Unhealable Part 1 – Internal Causes

Candali or Gtummo: Safe Kundalini Awakening for Rapid Empowerment

Candali, also known as Gtummo in Tibetan, is generally described as Tibetan Heat Yoga. In Tibet, monks demonstrate their mastery by drying wet clothes on their bodies while sitting in the snow. This is the kind of image the mention of Gtummo conjures up, but there is far more to it.  It’s basically a method … Continue reading Candali or Gtummo: Safe Kundalini Awakening for Rapid Empowerment