Ultimate Healing Part 1
Self Healing
This is done online. You can work through the course in your own time and Candali initiations are given distantly. This is important as it gives you time to really absorb and work with the Ultimate Healing principles before deciding whether you wish to take it further and work with point holding.
Once a year, starting at the end of January, there is also a live webinar series to help guide you through the process. Past webinar recordings are available to all students, no matter when they join, as is the opportunity to join the next live series at no additional cost.
The principles of point holding are introduced at the end of Part 1 online so if you decide you would like to use the point holding to transmute your issues more rapidly, you can explore by yourself or join Ultimate Healing Part 2.
It covers:
- How emotions affect your health
- Releasing emotional blocks
- Taking back lost power
- Levels of healing
- Dis-creation
- Releasing past choices
- Nutrition & healing crisis
- Manifestation & future causality
- Mastering ego & shadow
- Healing physical ailments
- Overcoming weapons of control & veils of perception
- Candali initiations