Protecting against the latest threats

What do we need to protect against? The latest threats

New Invasive Technologies

In the realm of alternative and spiritual healing, we are constantly coming up against new technologies for invading our sovereignty. New methods are being created so fast, it is hard for shamans to keep up with solutions. 

For many centuries shamans have been dealing with the same issues: curses, entities, energetic cords, mind control, alien implants etc. We have well tested methods for dealing with these, but not many practitioners are able to keep up with the constant development of new invasive technologies. So let’s list some of the new problems I have had to deal with in the last few years:

·         Archon Genetic Entities

·         Suppressor Parasites

·         Negative Implants in Indigo or Star Seed Coding

·         Mind Controller

·         Distorted DNA Seed Codes

·         Reptilian Implants

·         Vampire and Predator Implants

·         Artificial Holographic Inserts

·         Distorted Arc Codes

·         Predator Mind Control Implants

·         Template Implants

·         Reversal Polarity and Gender Splitting

·         Genetic Experiments

Let’s take a look at what these are, then I will give the solution.

Archon Genetic Entities 

There have been many different names for what people these days call Archons, but many mythologies have the idea of an ancient race or spirits enslaving the human race, blocking our spiritual potential by damaging our DNA. This can be seen as the starting point of our problems; an idea that is continued by modern leaders who are still developing new ways to suppress us. The genetic implant that was put into the whole human race first exists as an energy implant. This is passed down from generation to generation as a kind of entity attached to our DNA. When we remove these original imprints, our DNA starts to repair itself. Ancient traditions had ways of countering this block as a part of their initiation rituals, such as the Egyptian “opening of the mouth” ceremony.

Suppressor parasites 

These are a more modern creation for the same purpose. Parasites are put into the body that suppress our spiritual abilities.

Negative implants 

As an attempt to wake up from this suppressed state, life brings in new coding, such as Indigo and Star seed coding. Science has discovered this, and creates new manipulative technology to suppress these.

Mind controllers

Mind control technology has been spread through chemtrails, vaccines, EMF’s, so that the controlling implants can self-assemble within the human body, allowing mind control through EMF’s.

Distorted DNA seed codes

As nature develops new codes which become blueprints for our developing DNA, science hijacks that process and learns to alter DNA coding for their own controlling agenda.

Reptilian implants

There has been a lot of fear around reptilian beings, but these really represent our reptilian nature. Nature doesn’t change what it has made, it just adds to it. So we have a reptilian brain, a mammalian brain, then the human part. The reptilian part is the back brain, which holds simple survival instincts. If this is kept active, we tend to be run by instinct and become more primitive, so we are more easily controlled. These implants are not necessarily from aliens, but include all technologies that keep us in this primitive mode, making spiritual development difficult. All these attempts have created an eggregore of reptilian behaviour. This is what is seen as reptilians. Neutralise the eggregore, and the implants fail.

Vampire and predator implants

The principle of vampires is that once they drain a person, that person then needs to feed off someone else, so also becomes a vampire. Threads are spread from person to person, spreading the problem far and wide. These vampiric cords stand out from other energetic cords.

Holographic inserts

Holograms set up in a person’s aura create distraction, so they are always seeing the image as a problem, never finding what is actually creating it. So the person is kept confused and unable to heal.

Distorted Arc Codes

Arc stands for Automatic Reference Counting. It’s a way of constructing memory. This enables memories to be altered.

Predator mind control implants

These implants are targeted, unlike the general implants spread everywhere through chemtrails and EMF’s. They consist of specific implants tailored to control an individual.

Template  implants

These are most insidious, as they target the basic survival templates that affect behaviour unconsciously. They ensure the success of the fear-mongering and Mass Formation Psychosis.

Reversal polarity and gender splitting

Creating gender confusion is a powerful and deep way of breaking down identity and self-image so people can be shaped easily. It involves genetic manipulation as well as mind control.

Genetic experiments

These take many forms, from individual gene manipulation experiments to the widespread use of mRNA vaccines. Genetic experiments are producing many harmful effects.

The Solution

Dealing with all these separately can take a lot of time and effort, so I have combined all the solutions into one empowerment that can free everyone of all these influences and create permanent protection against them: “The Multidimensional Entity Removal Extreme.” I will be giving this attunement free on my public Q&A call this month, where I will be talking more about these influences and answering your questions. The attunement will also be embedded into the recording so you can receive it later if you can’t make the call.

Join my Public Questions & Answers Call on Sunday, 7 July at 10am UK time. 

Please click the Zoom link a few minutes before the call.

See here for more about my Q&A Calls

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