6th Dimensional Healing

6th Dimensional Healing – Don’t Despair – You Can Change Your Fate

Continuing our exploration of higher dimensions, why is 6th dimensional healing needed? 

Does it seem like all roads lead to Hell?

Have you ever had the feeling that some painful area of your life will never, ever go away, or that your pain or failure are fated, and cannot be prevented? This is just what we are dealing with here. How is it that something negative and unfair becomes pre-determined and inevitable?

The answer lies in how choices and beliefs can be pushed deep into the unconscious, making a condition more fixed the deeper it goes. One can access deeper levels of consciousness through gnostic states, which can be triggered deliberately, but often occur through intense trauma. When your subconscious is opened by intense emotion, you are more connected to your Higher Self, and to higher dimensions, and as you are in intense survival mode, your Higher Self gives you whatever you choose, whether to expand or diminish yourself. 

What is Fate really?

These traumatic memories tend to be suppressed and forgotten, but the choice that has been planted at such a deep level will now be seeking manifestation. What we consider to be fate is simply the choices we have pushed so deep they become pre-determined and inevitable. This occurs when the choice has been made in the 6th dimension. 

I  explained in my previous article that at the 6th dimension we can see all possible timelines, but they all emanate from one cause. So if any programme gets in at this level and affects this point of causation, then every possible timeline, in every possible alternate reality, contains this programme. In other words, there is no possible future where the problem doesn’t occur. This is what it means to be pre-determined and inevitable; or fate. 

The Power to Choose Your Destiny

The healing I am about to describe is to change the choice at such a deep level, that the new choice becomes pre-determined and inevitable. We can change fate when we recognise that even that was the result of our choices. 

This healing method actually comes from the Faerie Queens, or Ancient Ones. In the Faerie Initiations, there are 9 gifts of the Ancient Ones: the 8th being Empowered Destiny. This is basically the power to choose your destiny by knowing how to make or change choices at such a deep level. Their gift is really the expansion of consciousness into the 6th dimension so one is able to access these levels at will. It follows after the gift of the Faerie thread, which is used to weave the web multi-dimensionally. This thread is an important part of the healing. 

You will need to do the Faerie Initiation course to fully understand this, but what you do is first of all is to identify the fate that you want to change, then weave the thread into the person to align with that fate. Healing is then channelled to dissolve the webbing of that fate. This is woven 6 dimensionally, into all time lines emanating from the cause. The fated event or pattern is thus erased. 

Making a better Choice

However you can’t just erase one choice without making a new choice, as this is what choice is about, picking a possibility out of several. This will require you to remember why the choice had to be made, which in turn requires you to remember the atmosphere in which the choice was made. In the atmosphere of extreme need or distress, you had to make a survival choice. It may be to stop trying, to not get in anyone’s way,  to stop wanting anything, to never love again, to stay silent and hidden, or to punish yourself before someone else does. 

The need to make a choice is basically to survive some danger. Once you recognise the need to make a choice, with hindsight, what better choice could you have made to survive, but that expands you rather than diminishes you? Better choices may be to discipline yourself to grow stronger so you can better handle danger, to grow in wisdom and learn discrimination, or to learn to build trust before falling in love etc. The important point is to make the new choice in the same atmosphere as the old choice. The good news is that choice supersedes itself, the new choice always supersedes the old, if made at the same depth and intensity. The new fate is then woven into the person by using the Faerie thread. 

For those of you who haven’t done the Faerie Initiations, but have difficult fate or destiny you would like to change, rest assured, this can be done for you. After first having a chat about the difficult destiny you need help with, I basically grok you (that means becoming you so I can feel all you hold inside) then I can do the same process on your behalf. We would also need to talk about the new choice you would like to replace the old one with. You can book healing with me for this. 

Mastering Higher Dimensions

For everyone who wishes to keep expanding to master higher dimensions, there are two things I recommend. First, the Dragon and Faerie courses. Secondly, the Clairvoyance Package. This has a series of empowerments that will keep expanding your third eye. This is useful both for understanding higher dimensions, and to be able to see deeply into the cause of things when healing others.

In the video below, I introduce my Magick: Faerie and Dragon Path series and start by explaining about the importance of choice in magick and in creating your reality.

Clairvoyance Package

Clairvoyance Package

Book a Remote Healing Session with me to change your fate or destiny.

Read my previous articles on higher dimensions:

Into the Fourth and Fifth Dimensions: Understanding Creation and Dis-creation

Understanding the Sixth, Seventh and Eighth Dimensions: Psionics, Looping Time and Ascension

I will be exploring Changing Your Destiny further in my Magick Student Q&A call on 2 September.