Depressed Teenager

Update on New Threats to Health and Freedom

Protection against Nanotechnology

Much of what I wrote about in my previous blog on ‘Saving Our Souls from Modern Threats’ and Solutions for S-proteins and Removing Nanotechnology’ is being noticed widely now. You may have seen images or videos of the long structures assembling in people’s blood, following the mRNA vaccines. These are basically examples of the kind of nano-technology I wrote about, which is not about robots and tiny electronic systems, but a n assembly of protein structures controlled by computer. So do not panic, as we already have the remedy. The DNA Guard psionic plate, which was made to neutralise these particular self-assembling structures, is working very well. The more widespread appearance of these blood anomalies  has given us a great opportunity to test the efficacy of this psionic plate. Rest assured, it is doing its job.

DNA Guard Psionics

Protection against Bio-weapons

The second point I want to update on is the revealing of new bio-weapons. I recently created the Bio-weapon Shield, to upgrade the immune system to handle new viruses that were being released. The latest discovery is 24 new weaponised viruses having been seized from Ukrainian bio-labs. Apart from the new forms of covid, monkey pox and new form of smallpox we have already witnessed, it seems there were new forms of Ebola being prepared for release. Hopefully most of these bioweapons have been stopped, but we should be prepared. I have been upgrading the bioweapon shield to handle these new viruses. Those who already have the bio-weapon shield don’t need to worry, as they get upgraded automatically. I use the same talisman to house the upgraded servitor, so all copies automatically have this new servitor.

Although this psionic talisman is designed to boost your immunity to these pathogens, do  look after your immune systems in every way you can, as it is under a lot of duress. Strengthen it through good nutrition, herbs and supplements. Be sure to take enough vitamin C and zinc, and immune boosting herbs such as golden seal, black elderberry, grapefruit seed extract and garlic.

Psionic Tools for Maintaining Sovereignty

A third big issue is the advancement of the plan of total control through the neuro-link. Here is a video I recommend you to watch which explains how this system works:

Maintaining one’s sovereignty and not being controlled is an ever-evolving issue, and the video shows just how big it is getting. The remedies I have so far are the Mental Shield and the AI disrupter, which is part of the Invincible Psychic Clearing Level 2 psionic course. I put it in this course as it’s important to deal with all the other forms of invasion that add to the mind control. I will be upgrading these too as I analyse the control mechanisms and add extra remedies. All those who have these talismans automatically get the upgrades.

Psychological Damage to Teenagers from Lockdowns


Those are the technological problems. Now let’s look at the psychological damage done by the lockdowns, as this can be even more insidious. Although it has caused depression in many, it’s teenagers who have been hit hardest, many becoming suicidal. The reason it affects teenagers so badly is because they are at the time when their individual wills are developing, and they are being crushed right from the beginning. Awakening to puberty is an important time, when adolescents become rebellious to find their individual wills, separate from the wills of their parents and authority figures. It’s what enables them to develop healthy boundaries and become individuals, so they can  explore their strengths and find their place in the world. Breaking their wills at this point prepares them to be meek, obedient  slaves who no longer think for themselves; thus preparing the future of slavery.

There have been many psychological weapons introduced in schools to break their wills around puberty, such as shaming them for their natural rebellion by treating it as a mental illness, and more recently, through sexual confusion, as the development of the will coincides with the development of sexual interest. Push too far in their exploration so that they get permanently damaged, and they will never dare explore again. So once again, the will is totally broken, and you have a slave.

Helping the Rebellious Adolescent

The complication with trying to help adolescents is that because of their natural rebelliousness, they won’t listen, and yet we don’t want to break that rebelliousness even more. The fact that they still have some is a good sign. First of all, you can show them the “Take Back Your Power” course and hope they will want to give it a go, but beyond that you will need to find ways to best help them. Controlling them isn’t going to help, but neither is being too soft, as without anything to fight against, they don’t develop their wills. It’s no good giving them permission to be rebellious, as that’s an oxymoron. A rebellious person doesn’t want permission.

My next magickal membership workshop on 6 May, 2023 will deal with helping children and the vulnerable, but I will also answer any questions related to helping adolescents. I will also answer such questions in the free Q&A sessions that weekend. Meanwhile, there is healing that can be sent to them. I recently introduced the 3 Tan Tieng Enhancement Plate in my psionics products. The way this helps is to restore their natural strength, so they naturally grow into rebellion, developing will and really living.  It works according to ancient Chinese medicine principles.

3 Tan Tieng Enhancement

First of all, what we call the ‘cords of death’ are all the energy cords to people, eggregores and events that take their power. Cutting these breaks the pattern of power loss. Secondly, what we call the worms are eggregores set up through societies, religions etc that consume their natural vitality. What is happening now is the same as what has always created these worms and cords. It’s unnatural conditioning, shame, self-destructive beliefs and low self-worth, all imposed through outer control mechanisms that have become deeply ingrained in the collective unconscious.

The ancient technologies for removing these cords and worms are as effective today as they have always been. When you do this healing, it restores their natural energy, so they will go through their natural process of growth, throw off the shame, rebel and take on their natural power, as these are all parts of growth that normally happen automatically. They just need some extra strength to overcome these more insidious assaults on their wills, and nature will do the rest.

You can use the 3 Tan Tieng enhancement plate on others, just by putting their names in the chart. This is not interfering with their wills in any way, it is just giving support to their natural growth. It’s  the kind of support and safety valve teenagers expect from their parents, though wouldn’t ask for, as they are trying to be independent, but are not quite there yet. Normally, it would be impossible to give them what they need in such difficult circumstances, but this plate gives you that blessing.

Beyond that, you have to let them go and make their own decisions, but if you have shown them the “Take Back Your Power” course, at least they have what they need to go forward.

Take Back Your Power I - Free audio course