Category Archives: Magick, Faeries & Dragons

Seventh Dimension, High Magick and Choice

We have so far explored the increasing possibilities up to the sixth dimension. What changes in the seventh dimension is that the past becomes far more fluid. In the sixth dimension all timelines begin at the same point; i.e. the Big Bang. In the seventh dimension timelines can start at different points in time; there … Continue reading Seventh Dimension, High Magick and Choice

6th Dimensional Healing – Don’t Despair – You Can Change Your Fate

Continuing our exploration of higher dimensions, why is 6th dimensional healing needed?  Does it seem like all roads lead to Hell? Have you ever had the feeling that some painful area of your life will never, ever go away, or that your pain or failure are fated, and cannot be prevented? This is just what … Continue reading 6th Dimensional Healing – Don’t Despair – You Can Change Your Fate

Evolution of Metaphysics and Healing

In the beginning there was Awareness… The main precept in metaphysics is that we create our own reality. If this is such a fundamental truth, why are so many people having difficulty creating the life they want? To solve this problem, we need to look beyond all the techniques and come down to the fundamentals. … Continue reading Evolution of Metaphysics and Healing

Hierarchy of Magickal Helpers

The Levels of Creation In order to describe the hierarchy of spirits and magickal helpers without being limited to one system, I first want to explain the levels of creation. The source is indefinable and adimensional. All that is beyond our ability to conceptualise we simply call the pre-conceptual. When this pure energy of source … Continue reading Hierarchy of Magickal Helpers

Magick: The Faerie and Dragon Path

An introduction to my Magick Path online series of courses – Magick: The Faerie and Dragon Path In this article I explain the whole sequence of magickal initiations provided through this series of courses, and how to progress through them. These courses form a progressive training in a deep and powerful tradition of magick. High … Continue reading Magick: The Faerie and Dragon Path

Crystal Magick: Amplifying Power , Increasing the Rate of Our Success

Running Faster Than You Can We are entering a time when it is necessary to create success at a much faster rate, as the problems and obstacles we seem to be facing can become overwhelming. It’s a bit like in “Alice Through the Looking Glass”, where people had to run as fast as they can … Continue reading Crystal Magick: Amplifying Power , Increasing the Rate of Our Success

Awaken Creativity and Fulfill Your Dreams

The Importance of Imagination and Dreaming Creativity seems to be taking a battering these days. The State is even encouraging artists to give up their art and retrain as computer programmers. When you do this, a bit of the soul dies. If you are to grow to your full potential and fulfill your dreams, it’s … Continue reading Awaken Creativity and Fulfill Your Dreams

Magickally Creating Freedom

To understand where creating freedom fits in the growth of consciousness, let’s look at the stages through which consciousness evolves. The Evolution of Consciousness The first quality to develop when we come into this world is perception of the illusion. That’s with the understanding that the physical plane is illusion; a projection of consciousness. Secondly … Continue reading Magickally Creating Freedom

Removing the Blocks to Magickal Success

When one starts to use metaphysical methods to manifest their dreams, success is often very erratic. Some succeed, while others believe it should work, but struggle to get the results they ought to have. The purpose of this article is to give everyone a clear method of analysing all possible blocks to the success of … Continue reading Removing the Blocks to Magickal Success