Category Archives: Magickal Protection

Dealing with chaos, violence and uncertainty

Bifurcation and tethering to our best future As we come towards bifurcation, we see many contrasts in the world: On one hand the threat of war, total loss of freedom, totalitarian organisations and AI, and on the other hand, reformation of the banking systems, erasing of debts, arresting of corrupt leaders of said organisations, and … Continue reading Dealing with chaos, violence and uncertainty

Update on New Threats to Health and Freedom

Protection against Nanotechnology Much of what I wrote about in my previous blog on ‘Saving Our Souls from Modern Threats’ and ‘Solutions for S-proteins and Removing Nanotechnology’ is being noticed widely now. You may have seen images or videos of the long structures assembling in people’s blood, following the mRNA vaccines. These are basically examples … Continue reading Update on New Threats to Health and Freedom

Demonic Possession

In order to understand demonic possession, we first need to define what a demon is. It’s an ancient Greek word meaning an astral being with wisdom. They weren’t necessarily seen as bad, but were often invoked to get answers to questions and learn mysteries. This is not the kind of demon that generally causes problems. … Continue reading Demonic Possession

Spiritual Activism: Principles, Tools and Resources

Before looking at the spiritual activism tools that are needed, we should start by understanding the World we live in, so we can best assess when it’s appropriate to act.  Corporations and Profits We live in a capitalist society, so we shouldn’t lose sight of the fact that all corporations have profit as their highest … Continue reading Spiritual Activism: Principles, Tools and Resources

Solutions for S-Proteins and Removing Nanotechnology

A little recap: The spike protein surrounding the covid-19 virus is what causes inflammation. It’s the spike protein that has been isolated in the vaccine, and by using mRNA to alter the genes, the vaccinated produce these spike proteins in their own bodies, causing continuous inflammation, particularly in the blood vessels. It also affects the … Continue reading Solutions for S-Proteins and Removing Nanotechnology


Also known as Wuhan pneumonia, the corona virus is causing much concern as it is already spreading worldwide, and there is no drug that can kill it. It kills about one eighth of those infected. There has been talk about it being a weaponized virus, but it seems far more likely that it has mutated … Continue reading CORONA VIRUS PROTECTION

Vampirism and Protection from Vampires

Vampirism is becoming a huge problem these days, as more and more people are not only finding their energy drained, but hard-earned spiritual gifts and talents are being stolen. I want to explain the mechanisms of vampirism and look at protection from vampires. The Needy Vampire There are two kinds of vampire. The first is … Continue reading Vampirism and Protection from Vampires

Protection from 5G and Other Modern Threats to Health

With the start of 5G (5th Generation mobile internet technology), there seems to be an increase in the number of electrosensitive people. Let’s look at the effects of electric and magnetic fields radiation (EMF’s), and then some solutions for 5G protection. Adverse health effects caused by EMFs The most common symptoms observed in those subjected … Continue reading Protection from 5G and Other Modern Threats to Health

Personal Power: 5 Steps to reclaim it

Many of you will have downloaded my free course “Take Back Your Power”. I want to add some pertinent details here to help understand personal power and describe 5 steps to reclaim it. Personal power can mean many things. It is our power to create our reality, most often demonstrated in our health, social status, … Continue reading Personal Power: 5 Steps to reclaim it