You may have heard a lot recently about shifting to the fifth dimension, but what does this actually look like?  I will need to begin by explaining our link to the fourth dimension.

 Understanding the Fourth Dimension

Our brains are  set to visualise in only three dimensions, and yet we are aware of a fourth dimension. We can understand this better by considering how a two-dimensional being would experience three dimensions. Consider the image of a two-dimensional surface, with a three-dimensional object such as a sphere passing through it.

2D and 3D

From the two-dimensional plane, you would see a point, gradually growing into a circle, then shrinking to point again, before disappearing. From this information, you can tell the shape of the sphere, although you can only experience it in slices, over a time period. Note that the sphere exists all at once, but we only experience it over a time period. Time is what we use to relate to an extra dimension beyond what our brains can visualise.

To extend this model to our three-dimensional world, all our creations are 4-dimensional, they exist all at once, but we experience them in three dimensions over a time period. In this case, I am not so much talking about objects, but events. These events may be experienced over a short period, or over your whole life. As each creation is built from emotions, and emotional experiences are our defining experiences, it is the emotional content that is consistent over our experience of our creations. For example, you may have had a painful experience which seems to repeat throughout your life, seemingly different events, but with the same emotions. In other words, we seem to repeat our traumas, each one seemingly different, but of the same emotional nature. While experiencing the layers in our 3-dimensional world, we often don’t realise that it is all one creation.

The Process of Dis-creation

Now let’s look at the process of dis-creation. If we wish to dis-create a negative pattern, we start by welcoming the emotions associated with this experience. As we welcome the emotions, rather than resist them, we expand. We experience other emotions around the experience, as well as the first emotion. We begin to remember other times we felt this way, and gradually see the whole creation laid out before us. At this point we are no longer in the emotions. There is a kind of dissociation in which we can see the whole thing, and can recognise it as our creation, rather than as ourselves. At this point we can permit it to dis-create and watch it fade away. Once the emotion is no longer there, the pattern doesn’t happen again.

Notice that we dis-create the whole creation, not slice by slice. At this point, you are 4-dimensional. From here you dis-create the whole of that creation. Does this mean that we also dis-create the past? Yes, why not? The only place the past exists is in your memory, and the strength of that memory is based on the emotions it holds. When you dis-create it, it’s as if it never happened. This is extremely useful in therapy, as one can quickly release all the past trauma, as well as ensure it doesn’t happen again. Note that you cannot dis-create slice by slice, but only the whole of the creation from this expanded viewpoint. This is why it is so long-winded and tedious to try to heal our lives by looking at events one by one. This method of dis-creation I teach is fast and effective. So the main power you gain by shifting to the fourth dimension is the ability to heal your past and dis-create the negative events you don’t want.

The Fifth Dimension and the Double Quantum Wave

Now let’s look at the fifth dimension. Science began to consider the presence of a fifth dimension in order to make sense of the connections between the different forces in our universe. It’s the basis for the Unified Field Theory. This shows that there is a fifth dimension to light, which we don’t see. Whereas we can observe the waves of light 4 dimensionally, they flit in and out of a fifth dimension. We can compare it to swimming in water, where there are ripples on the surface, but we can’t see the ripples, but can see their shadow.

In 4 dimensions we see time as linear. Once we get to 5 dimensions, time is no longer linear. In 4 dimensions we can experience only one timeline at a time. In 5 dimensions we can experience several different timelines simultaneously. We also  understand far better the relationship between time and space. Every experience is a double quantum wave between now and a future. If something didn’t have a future, we couldn’t experience it. Note that the past doesn’t come into the equation. Our 5-dimensional creation is all about present and future. 

As many timelines can co-exist, the present moment is linked by double quantum waves to several possible futures. As the wave works both ways, while we are creating these futures, the futures are also creating us. So when we have projected a future out there, it starts to affect us, first emotionally and mentally, then it affects our image and our behaviour, so we take the actions that bring us to that future. So our present is the sum of all the possible futures impacting us. The futures that actually happen are the ones that get the most attention. 

Observation has proven to be the fundamental creative force in physics. Nothing really exists unless it is observed. Whether a future ends up manifesting or not, it is still affecting us now. So it can produce far more transformation to work with our futures, rather than our past. The method of ‘Weeding and Cultivating Futures’ I teach in the ‘Ultimate Healing Part 1 – Self Healing’ online course and the Dragon Magick course produces instant transformation in ourselves, as well as moving us towards better futures. If we collapse one of the double quantum waves, that future no longer exists, and we change instantly. So shifting awareness to the fifth dimension gives us even greater power to transform ourselves and our lives.


But there is more. In observing this double quantum wave by which we create the future, we become aware of another very important tool: expectation. In many physics experiments, it is found that things become what you expect them to become. It is also accepted in metaphysics that our tools of creation are desire, imagination and expectation. Expectation is the most powerful of these tools, and yet it is the one that people just aren’t getting. And yet it is part of the double quantum wave between us and our futures. 

Consider this wave again: we create a future, and that future is creating us. This includes the feelings of our future self becoming part of us now. Obviously, the future self that already has the desire fulfilled has no trouble expecting it. The feeling of already having it, when observed from our present moment, translates into expectation. In other words, the expectation comes by receiving the returning wave from the future. This is something many new age methods, such as the law of attraction are missing, and that’s why they are not getting results. The law of attraction has been found to have a 95% failure rate. They tend to be about creation, but miss out the bit about receiving the future wave, and try to build expectation in an artificial way by firing people up emotionally. The kind of enthusiasm this produces falls flat after about a day. This is because expectation doesn’t come from the emotions; it comes from the future. The simple trick for success is to take into account both sides of the quantum wave. Do your visualisation, then sit back and receive. In a moment the wave will come back, carrying the feeling of already having the outcome. As you let this in, it becomes expectation. Then the next day when you visualise there is greater expectation so it is more powerful. Then again you receive the wave from the future, and the expectation grows stronger and stronger until the result manifests. You can learn this in my free Manifestation Masterclass.

Free Online Manifestation Masterclass

Support in Shifting Towards the Fourth and Fifth Dimensions

It really is so easy to transform, dis-create problems and manifest your desires when you allow this shift. These  techniques aren’t really new, as I have taught them for years, but as a shift is happening naturally towards the fourth and fifth dimensions, they are getting easier to grasp and work with. Apart from one or two individuals here and there, everyone on my courses has mastered these methods to change their realities. A few get stuck in the rituals of magick, the astrological aspects, techniques etc, instead of learning to change consciousness. In other words, they are stuck in 3D.

As the shift towards the fifth dimension is happening naturally as part of our evolution, we can also create attunements for it. I am adding such attunements to my courses, so as you go through the meditations, you are automatically being attuned to fourth and fifth dimensions so you master these teachings easily and naturally.

To really master these metaphysical  principles, take my Ultimate Healing course or Dragon Magick course. To learn to manifest effectively right away, take my free Manifestation Masterclass. And remember to check out the free “Take Back your Power” course, to help clear any obstacles.