6th 7th and 8th Dimensions


To continue from my last blog on the Fourth and Fifth dimensions, I will now explain how moving up to higher dimensions affects our relationship with time.

As 3-dimensional beings, we have control of our movement in three spatial dimensions; i.e. we can move backwards and forwards, left and right, and up and down, but our movement through time is limited to moving forward at a constant rate. We have no control of it.

The Fourth Dimension and Travelling back in Time to make Different Choices

As we embrace the fourth dimension, our awareness, and therefore our control of time increases. We can begin to move faster or slower, and backwards if we wish, but our movement is still confined to one timeline. However, by travelling back to past decisions, it is possible to change that decision and start to move along a different timeline.

A picture containing line, text, handwriting, diagram

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In the illustration above, let’s consider the two points as ‘present’, and the time previously when we made a major decision, such as choosing a career. If we travel back to that time, we could change our decision and follow a different career. We now have a new timeline, running parallel to the first, with a different career developing. However, in the fourth dimension we don’t have parallel worlds; we can only be in one career or the other. This does give us some interesting abilities though. If we wish to explore a different life path, whether it be a career choice or a relationship choice, we can travel back to the point of decision and change it. This is something Faeries do naturally, but in the human world it takes complex magickal rituals to make such a change. Nonetheless, it does happen. Read more here about Faeries as multidimensional beings.

The Fifth Dimension and Parallel Worlds

In the fifth dimension our control expands a bit further. Whereas in the fourth dimension we can only experience one timeline, in the fifth dimension parallel worlds exist, so it is possible to go back to the point of division of timelines, travel along the new timeline, and meet the other version of yourself. Although you can’t live in both timelines, you can meet your alternate selves and gain information that will help you make the best choices for your future. However, there are no shortcuts across timelines; you have to go back to the decision point and travel forward from there. You cannot just jump across to parallel timelines. That is something that happens in the sixth dimension.

The Sixth Dimension and Jumping Timelines

As we enter the sixth dimension, our control of time expands, so we can now cut across timelines instead of having to go back and move along the new timeline linearly.

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A sixth-dimensional being can be aware of all past, present and futures in all parallel lives simultaneously. This is hard to live with in our current 3D form, but we can access any point in time in any universe. The one limitation of the 6th dimension is that all timelines in all worlds have the same starting point; i.e. all the parallel universes began at the same moment with the Big Bang.

Harnessing the Ultimate Power Source for my Ultra Psionics Plate

As we adjust to higher dimensions, we are becoming less physical and more energetic. What is very useful about this is that we can access the energy of any point in time in any universe. So I decided to go for the big one: the Big Bang that started all the parallel universes at the same time. The number of these parallel universes has been calculated as 10v10v6, which is 10 to the power of I million. Imagine 1 with a million zeros: that is how many universes began with the Big Bang, when we access it in the sixth dimension. This is a ridiculously high level of energy, but it is what I used as the power source for my Ultra Psionics Plate, because I want to have unlimited energy to make sure all operations succeed, and within the shortest possible time, and believe me, this plate works.

To access this energy, while I was first learning to expand into the sixth dimension and travel through time and different worlds by using Dragon Runes, I was also solving the quantum equation in six dimensions, until it was 1600 pages long. I was also using ayahuasca, which took me right into the real experience of what I was trying to understand mentally. Once I accessed the power of the beginning of all the parallel universes, I needed to anchor it to a symbol that could be used psionically. I used the Hexaract, or sixth-dimensional hypercube.

This is one of the extra symbols on my Ultra Psionic Plate. It’s basically a 2-dimensional representation of a 6-dimensional form. To understand how such shapes are generated, first look at how a cube is drawn. 

We begin to represent higher dimensions in two dimensions by connecting the corners. If we look at the cube from exactly the direction of a corner, it looks like a symmetrical 2-dimensional shape, in this case a hexagon, with lines connecting the centre.

We can do the same with the tesseract, or 4-dimensional hypercube.

In two dimensions it is drawn like this:

A picture containing symmetry, pattern, origami, line

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Notice how a square is extended into a cube, then this is extended in another dimension, and the corners connected. Viewed from a corner it looks like this:

A picture containing symmetry, origami

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It gets harder to see the fourth dimensional shape now, but this is how we represent it in two dimensions.

We can do the same with the 5 dimensional hypercube or pentaract:

And the sixth dimensional hypercube or hexaract:

A picture containing symmetry, circle, origami

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This is what I used to anchor the power of creation of all parallel universes in the 6th dimension. Of course, just using this symbol won’t do it, but I have anchored that power in the psionic chart, so that every copy of it will give you almost unlimited power to use in psionic operations.

The Seventh Dimension and Visiting Infinite Versions of Yourself

Now let’s look at the seventh dimension. Here there are even less limitations on time. There is an infinite number of universes, which can begin at different times and in different circumstances. It is no longer limited to the Big Bang.  A seventh-dimensional being can have infinite versions of itself, and can visit any of these versions at any time at will. There is no limitation in time or space. Each universe can go on for infinity.

The Eighth Dimension and the Point of Ascension

When you get to the eighth dimension, there is no longer any possibility of physical form. There are no shapes, and nothing can be touched. There is a plane of the past, present and futures of infinite universes. You would experience them much like a virtual reality, where you no longer touch separate objects, but can experience the whole at any time. This is the point of ascension, where we are no longer physical. This is the highest state we can reach towards while in physical form. Our transcendence beyond that can only continue beyond physical existence. 

Eighth dimension - possibility for ascension

Getting Magickal Instead of ‘Getting Real’

What is useful in approaching this state is that we awaken more and more beyond the illusion. Once we know the physical world is not real, it is easy to redream it as we wish. This is something to start contemplating right from the beginning of our metaphysical paths. When we attempt to change our world or manifest our goals, we are limited by how real we make it. The things you make real are the things you cannot change. 

Some people are very good at manifesting the small things, such as a parking spot at the right time, but as soon as they have a “real” problem, they get stuck. To different people, different things are real. To some, their health is real. They may manifest all their other goals, but if they get ill, they rush to the doctor instead of just dis-creating the illness. To others, their job or money may be real, so their metaphysics doesn’t work in those areas. 

To many, people are real. They often say you can’t change people, or you shouldn’t interfere with others, but if you realise that people too are just your creation, you can change them as you wish. This would be a lonely world. We make people real in order to allow intimacy. The trick is to make them real enough to allow intimacy, but not so real that you can’t change them. As we approach the eighth dimension, the whole illusion becomes less real, while our spirituality becomes more real, so our magick gradually becomes limitless.

Tools for Co-creating in Higher Dimensions

The djinn live in the seventh and eighth dimensions, so co-creating with them helps our awakening to these levels of magick. They first pull in the future you want from the limitless possibilities, then work backwards to draw you to that future. To help get in the flow of this magick, it’s good to work with future causality and receiving the wave of the future, which I explained in previous articles and teach in my free Manifestation Masterclass. You can learn to work with djinn most effectively through my Djinn Magick Course.

In my upcoming online workshop on the Multidimensional Self, I will be giving empowerments to awaken you to the fifth and sixth dimensions, and giving practical guidance for developing further, to expand your magick. You can join my Magickal Membership to participate in the workshop on Saturday, 1 July or you can purchase the workshop separately here

I will also be giving a free Questions & Answers call before the workshop on 1 July at 12pm UK time where I will be covering ‘Easy first Steps to Expanding into Higher Dimensions.’

Faeries and Djinn are both powerful allies in helping you understand and work with Higher Dimensions so check out my courses here: Faery Magick and Djinn Magick .